Low Carb Pancake Recipe with CarbQuik with Video

Carbquik Pancakes Recipe: Low Carb Pancake Recipe

Updated March 6, 2018.

NOTE FROM ANDREW: This CarbQuik Pancakes recipe, direct from CarbQuik’s manufacturer, Tova Industries, claims to make 20 pancakes and yes, you can get 20 NORMAL sized pancakes from this recipe.

Some people are saying they make much less than 20 but I think those people are used to the SUPER SIZE, high carb pancakes you get at IHOP that are the size of a plate!

I was able to get about 15 normal sized (about 4 inches) pancakes from a batch and they tasted great. So for most people, this recipe will make 15-20 pancakes. That means the net carb count will be more like 4-5 net carbs per serving, not the 3 net carbs as listed below. BUT that is still much less than regular pancakes and with CarbQuik, low carbers are able to enjoy great tasting pancakes.

Low Carb Pancake Recipe with CarbQuik

Low carb pancakes are finally possible with Carbquick Low-Carb Baking Mix. CarbQuik pancakes are a great substitute for your low-carb lifestyle.

While these low-carb pancakes aren’t something you should indulge in every morning, when you want a special breakfast that doesn’t knock you off the low-carb wagon, CarbQuik is your answer. Here’s the recipe straight from CarbQuick; see the comments below and the note above for CarbSmart’s practical advice.


Low Carb Pancake Recipe with CarbQuik

Low Carb Pancake Recipe with CarbQuik

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Low carb pancakes with Carbquik Low-Carb Baking Mix. CarbQuik pancakes are a great substitute for your Low-Carb lifestyle. You’re not going to want to have Low-Carb pancakes every morning but when you do want a special Low-Carb breakfast, CarbQuik is your answer.

  • Author: Chef Gregory Pryor
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 20 pancakes 1x
  • Category: Low-Carb


Units Scale


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Adjust water as needed to make a smooth, pourable batter.
  2. Mix just enough to combine all ingredients. Do not overmix.
  3. Ladle portions onto sprayed griddle or frying pan heated to medium high heat.
  4. Flip when bubbles form and edges are cooked. After removing from heat, brush with butter (optional).


This Carbquik Pancakes recipe created by Chef Gregory Pryor, courtesy of Tova Industries.


  • Serving Size: 1 pancake
  • Carbohydrates: net carbs = 3g per serving)
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Low Carb Pancake Recipe with CarbQuik

Do you have a CarbQuik Low Carb Baking Mix recipe or do you have an idea on how to modify this recipe? Contact CarbSmart at [email protected].

Click here for more delicious low-carb breakfast recipes.

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  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Carbquick. And these pancakes are the best low carb pancakes I’ve made to date. I had to add quite a bit of water, tho, to thin the batter. No prob#

  2. I’ve tried 3 times with the same results. Pancakes don’t hold together when turning over or removing from the pan. Hope somebody can give me tip. Is the whole stick of butter put into the mix?

    • I looked over the list of ingredients in the CarbQuik mix and there is no reason why they shouldn’t hold together during cooking.


    • Mine failed first time.
      Second time success.
      2 cups carbquicj, 2 eggs, teaspoon vanilla or other flavoring if desired. Mix, and slowly add in milk, almond milk or cream. Do not add water!! Mix well eliminating lumps, but make sure consistency is tad thicker than cake batter. Cake batter pours easily, but your carbquick batter should not or it’ll be thin and you won’t be able to flip it (somewhere between cake batter and peanut butter consistency). Get good pan, spray with Pam, use large spoon to scoop out and place into pan, flip after about 1 minute ( you should see bubbles like regular batter). Done.

      • Hi, I am getting ready to make my 1st batch of pancakes and don’t want a fail! So, will use your adapted recipe; my question is-how much cream did you use? What is stated in original recipe or a bit more s no additional fluids added?
        Thanks, I plan on added some cinnamon to my mix in addition to vanilla flavoring.

      • Thank you so much!! This really helped a lot. Especially, the consistency aspect. Usually, I feel compelled to stick to measurements, but with this you really just have to go for the consistency “between icing and peanut butter”. I have used this method with Lactaid Whole Milk and Unsweetened Almond Milk. I use Monk Fruit with a touch of vanilla and almond extract. I also usually make half, with one cup Carbquik and one egg, just so ya know. I’m usually making them for just me, and I don’t want extra hanging around begging me to eat them. Sometimes I go a little crazy and add a few pumpkin seeds or tiny almond slivers just for a fun texture. The whole milk version comes out a little bit fluffier but these are such a TREAT without completely ruining the low carb lifestyle! Thanks again!!!

    • Instead of a pan, I use a mini griddle that closes so both sides get cooked at the same time. I’ve not had any problems coming out with beautiful pancakes. And because I use a mini griddle, the portion size is also a bonus!

  3. No where does this article or recipe tell you what constitutes a serving. Is it 3ozs or 1 ladle or what. How big should the panckaes be to get 3 grams of net carbs.

    • According to the original recipe by Chef Gregory Prior, this recipe makes 20 pancakes.

      Although he does not say exactly what the size of the pancake should be or how many ounces, try to split it by eye.

      The pancakes are probably smaller than what we are used to and 1 pancake will be 3g net carbs.


      • Your carbs per serving are waaaay off here. Carbquik only has 2 net carbs per 1/3 cup, your other ingredients barely add 2 net carbs, so at 2 cups of carbquik, that’s 12 net carbs, 14 net carbs max total, and you say this makes 20 pancakes? that’s 2.1 net carbs for a serving of 3 pancakes.

  4. Mentioning the water ingredient twice is a little confusing.

    If I don’t use half and half and only heavy cream, the proper ingred’s would be:

    2 cups CarbQuik Low Carb Baking Mix
    ⅛ cup heavy cream
    ½ cup + 2 tablespoons water
    1 stick butter (melted)
    1 egg, beaten

    Vegetable oil spray

    Is that it ?

    • Thank you Steve, we’ve updated the recipe.

      The original recipe came from CarbQuik’s manufacturer.


    • Steve, you are my hero. I’ve seen several recipes for these and most include the 2 tablespoons of water separately and I could never find a reason or what to do with them. Baptize the cooked pancakes, perhaps?
      Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

  5. I just received my box of CarbQuick, and I’ve got to say that out of all of the low carb pancake recipes that I’ve tried, this one is by far the best! They’re so soft and buttery that they just melt in your mouth! I’m so happy that I found this recipe, and will be using from now on! Thank you so much!

  6. According to the Nutrition Info on the Carbquik box, 1/3 cup of dry Carbquik baking mix = 2 net carbs.

    If you are using 2 cups total of the baking mix for these pancakes, then you’d get 6 servings of just the Carbquick baking mix for 2 net carbs each.

    I don’t see any way that eggs, 2 tablespoons of heavy cream and some butter can possibly bump that figure to 3 net carbs per pancake for 20 pancakes! It’s just not possible, unless the original recipe included some type of pancake syrup or fruit topping that wasn’t included when Greg Pryor copied the recipe to the internet.

    So actually, if you make 12 pancakes out of the batter, and 2 pancakes is one serving, that would be, at most, 3 net carbs.

  7. Can you freeze these?

  8. Dose the three net Include all the ingredients used to make pancakes

  9. Made these for the first time and was so disappointed !!! They fell apart so easy and I think it has too much butter. I did add a teaspoon of vanilla, is this the reason ( I don’t think so as other folks have said they add flavoring sometimes) ?

    • I totally agree with this!! I felt there was way too much butter and they fell apart when flipping them. I think I will take the advice of the guy who used two eggs and 1/2 & 1/2 and not water. I think I will also try a third of the butter.

  10. I accidentally left butter out and they were sooo much better. I added a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of vanilla. I also spooned the Carbquik in measuring cup and leveled with a knife. Added 1 and 1/2 cup of half and half instead water and heavy cream. Turned out perfect.

  11. I am thinking of trying these, but no one has mentioned what kind of syrup they used. I tried CarbQuick before and found it too salty. That was years ago, and I am wondering if they changed the ingredients.

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