Kick-Off Summer! Memorial Day – Get In The Mood For Outdoor Food

Get In The Mood For Outdoor Food

Memorial Day – Get In The Mood For Outdoor Food

CarbSmart Magazine May 2013 PDF Version

Originally published in the May 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine.

131 Pages. Articles by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Ed Stockly, Susie T. Gibbs, Tracey Rollison, Misty Humphrey, and many more. Also includes 24 low carb/high fat recipes.

Memorial Day is one of those holidays that instantly brings to mind gorgeous weather, hanging out with friends or family, and cookouts. Personally, the grill is my favorite cooking appliance. I love the taste of grilled foods, plus, my husband usually does all the outdoor cooking. Hey, I’ll never complain when someone else cooks and I can just sit back and enjoy the food. Not that I mind cooking, but after spending all winter cooped up in the kitchen, grilling out is a very nice change of pace. While grilling is generally my husband’s area of expertise, I thought I’d throw together a few Memorial Day kick-off recipes to get you in the mood for outdoor food!

This first recipe is one of my favorite methods of outdoor cuisine. Packet cooking can give you everything you need in a meal, with little hassle and virtually no clean-up.

Keto Low-Carb Cajun Chicken Packets Recipe for Memorial Day

Low-Carb Cajun Chicken Packets Recipe
Low-Carb Cajun Chicken Packets Recipe

This next recipe is a way to sneak a few veggies into that special someone who may dislike them (like kids… or your spouse). Don’t let the name fool you – while not stuffed to the brim, you do notice the nice mix of flavors without it overpowering the burger. When I had my hubby try this, his reply was “ Oh yeah! Mmmmmm!” Translated, that’s “Heck ya! Gimme More!” in hubby-speak.

Keto Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers Recipe

Keto Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers on the Plate
Keto Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers on the Plate

Below is a simple appetizer that will work well to tame those “When is the food gonna be done?” questions. And the beauty is that you can fix it up ahead of time to reduce some of the heavy lifting on the day of your cookout. This recipe fits my small family, but it’s easy to double, or triple, this recipe for bigger crowds.

Keto Low-Carb Spicy Avocado Dip Recipe

Low-Carb Spicy Avocado Dip Breakfast

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Keto Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers on the Plate

Keto Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers Recipe

This Low-Carb Mixed Veggie Stuffed Burgers is a way to sneak a few veggies into that special someone who may dislike them (like kids... or your spouse). Don't let the name fool you - while not stuffed to the brim, you do notice the nice mix of flavors without it overpowering the burger. When I had my hubby try this, his reply was “ Oh yeah! Mmmmmm!” Translated, that's “Heck ya! Gimme More!” in hubby speak.