50 Ways To Eat Summer Zucchini

50 Ways To Eat Zucchini by Susie T. Gibbs

50 Ways To Eat Summer Zucchini
You remember the Paul Simon song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover? Well sing along with me to that tune, but instead, let’s sing, “50 ways to eat zucchini.” Any gardener quickly learns that one zucchini plant has the ability to feed their entire block. Ask me how I know this? Because my first gardening experience in Colorado saw me stealthily sneaking onto my neighbors’ porches each morning to leave one of my millions of zucchinis in an anonymous attempt to keep up with production. And I sang that dern song all summer…”50 ways to eat zucchini.”

But surely, I jest, because I actually love zucchini and think it a near perfect food, especially for low carbers and Paleo peeps. Often its among the earliest producing plants too! So let’s talk turkey about zucchini. According to Livestrong.com, 1 medium zucchini, which is a serving, has 31 calories, 0.4g Fat, 6.6g Carbs, 2.4g Protein, and 2g of Fiber for a net carb count of 4.6grams. It’s high in vitamins A & C and is a good source of B6, E and K as well as the whole “B” family (except B12). Zucchini is a good source of minerals, too, and also has phytochemicals such as zeaxanthin and lutein, reported to aid against macular degeneration. It has a whole slew of health advantages which I won’t list…hey, this is a recipe post.

Zucchini is so versatile. Cook it or serve it raw—delightful! You can do fun things, such as make zucchini boats and stuff it with all sorts of meat-tastic fillings, or making “sketti” with your veggie peeler or zoodler topping with meat sauce, pesto, or alfredo. Cube zucchini and make hash, or add to your bone broth and cook it until al dente and have soup, no potatoes invited. Slice zucchini and serve it raw with ranch dip, or caramelized onion dip—delicious! Grated it makes great zucchini fritters, pancakes, pizza crusts, low carb muffins, and quick breads. Zucchini plays great with eggs and makes delicious omelets, quiche, and frittata – and for heaven’s sake, don’t forget about the ratatouille!

Ratatouille is another thing for which we must give thanks to France. (Thank you France for Ratatouille, great wine, great cheese, great escargot, the Statue of Liberty and the “impressionists.”) I will share my love for ratatouille with you at a later date in its own article. For now, this may not be 50 ways to eat zucchini, but it’s a good start! Here are a couple of my favorite zucchini recipes.

Low-Carb Fried Zucchini with Blooming Onion Sauce

Low-Carb Fried Zucchini Recipe

Low-Carb Zucchini and Roasted Grape Tomato Salad

Low-Carb Zucchini and Roasted Grape Tomato Salad

Low-Carb Lemon Garlic Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

Traditional Greek Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe

More Low-Carb Recipes & Articles by Susie T. Gibbs

CarbSmart Magazine May 2013 PDF Version

Originally published in the May 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine.

131 Pages. Articles by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Ed Stockly, Susie T. Gibbs, Tracey Rollison, Misty Humphrey, and many more. Also includes 24 low carb/high fat recipes.

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