Thomas From Dublin’s Low Carb Success Story

Thomas from Dublin, Ireland, is 41 years old and 5′ 7 1/2″ tall. Thomas has been following the Optimal Nutrition low carbohydrate diet by Jan Kwasniewski for 10 months, and has dropped from 95kg and a size 44 waist to 80kg and a 34 waist. Thomas’ goal weight is 78-80kg.

“I have suffered for years and years with my weight,” Thomas began, “having to listen to people tell my that I’m a “FAT this,” “FAT that,” or “FAT whatever,” – vulgar things. It did not help me at all, physically or mentally. I found it very painful, and food was my comfort from this cruelty. It was as if food was the only thing that I had control of, and I enjoyed it very much. Even doctors telling me to “just eat less”did not help one bit; their advice only compounded my anguish.”

“Eventually depression and drink-related issues set in. At that point, I was heading for trouble. I started to do some exercise to try and help myself, but it would only last a couple of months and I would fall off the wagon again,” Thomas sighed.

“About four or five years ago, I went to ‘Unislim’ in order to try and do something about my weight. It took a while beforeI started to see results, but I did lose some weight. But I fell back off the wagon yet again and all heck broke loose.”

“After a year I went back to ‘Unislim’ with shear determination to do something about my weight. This time I did lose 4 1/2 stone (about 76.5 pounds) and became a ‘free slimmer.’ (You only become a ‘free slimmer’ when you reach your target weight.) It took about 18 months to achieve this. At the time, it seemed like forever. Whilst on this program, I did a lot of brisk walking, cycling and swimming.”

“It felt good that I was doing something for myself,” Thomas continued, “Then I started to get looks. Need I say how good that felt for the first time in a long time? It improved my whole self, physically and mentally. I hadlow cholesterol and very good circulation.”

“It’s like being at school, if you do what is asked of you, you will get results. One thing that all this taught me is PATIENCE. Relax about yourself and don’t feel pressured by others wanting you to be molded into what THEY think you should look like!”

“It did work! However, what I did not know was the dangers of the program. What is called a ‘healthy diet’ is in fact a very dangerous diet, and is one of the reasons there are so many illnesses in the world to day!”Thomas exclaimed.

“I’d known about low carbohydrate diets for a few months prior to my start. When I became a T1 diabetic, it was suggested that this would be very good for me.”

“It was just after turning forty when I was diagnosed with diabetes. This was all very strange at the time, and still is when I think about it. What I mean is, in every book I pick up on the subject, T1 diabetes is found in children or later on in adulthood! So why then am I a T1 diabetic? The only answer that I can come up with is that I’ve been a T2 without even knowing it! I’ve been toldthat this is not the case and that the type I have came on me very quickly, in the region of 2-3 months if not less!”

“My blood sugars are now stabilized and I have much more sustained energy throughout the day. I have NO problem sticking with the low carbohydrate program; it’s very easy, not to mention the food is much tastier than that of low fat/high carbohydrate diets!”

“I have explained my life story to others with diabetes and obesity in order to help them. My family is pretty amazed at my overall well-being and the amount of control I now have over my diabetes.”

I asked Thomas, “If you were speaking to a group of new low carbers and seasoned veterans about low carbing, what tips/advice would you give them regarding:


“Why cheat?” Thomas replied. “What are you trying to prove if you cheat?!? If you do, then you are not ready for this type of program and you are only trying to convince yourself.”

What are the most important points to remember?

“You have to weigh everything you eat. Otherwise you will not know the amount of fat, carbohydrates and protein it contains.”

The low carbohydrate program that Thomas follows can be found at:

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Karen Rysavy from Colorado Low Carb Success Story

Karen Rysavy from Colorado is 38 years old and 5'11 inches tall. Karen started low carbing in 2000 doing a combination of Atkins and Protein Power but since that time has studied most of the popular low carb plans out there and implemented parts of each (the parts that worked for her) into her own personal Way of Eating. She began at 271 pounds and wearing size 24/26 and is now 210 and wearing 14/18. Karen revised her goal of a size 12 and 185 pounds to "happy and healthy". A very important goal for Karen, one which she has REACHED!