The New Atkins Made Easy by Colette Heimowitz

The New Atkins Made Easy
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Colette Heimowitz
Photograph © Colette Heimowitz

Taking Atkins Forward

Colette Heimowitz has been a CarbSmart friend for longer than I can remember! As Vice President of Nutrition & Education for Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., Colette is the driving force for nutrition information.

She is the nutritionist face to the Atkins Community, which is dedicated to helping people reach their weight management goals with the solid principles of the Atkins Nutritional Approach (or Atkins Diet).

The Latest Update to the Atkins Diet

Colette has simplified Atkins! Now it’s a faster, easier, and more effective plan for healthy, low-carb eating that helps you to start losing weight immediately (and keep it off forever).

If you think you know all about the Atkins Diet, think again! With this streamlined version of the classic Atkins program, you’ll learn how to shed pounds even as you slowly add more carbs—the right carbs, in the right order—back into your diet.

The New Atkins Made Easy will guide you every step of the way with:

  • Easy-to-follow steps to successful weight loss that ease the transition from one phase to the next.
  • Detailed shopping lists for the fresh foods and easy-to-find pantry staples that make losing weight delicious—and easy.
  • Tasty recipes such as Zucchini–Pumpkin Spice Pancakes, Cheesy Chicken and Green Bean Skillet, Chipotle Shrimp Salad, and Tiramisu Pudding.
  • Dozens of low-cook and no-cook options, including grab-and-go foods like Atkins snacks, shakes, and frozen meals.
  • Digital tools and apps to take the guesswork out of meal planning and tracking your progress
  • Success stories from people just like you, who have used the new Atkins Diet to lose weight and keep it off!

The New Atkins Will Help You Succeed

The new Atkins is more effective than ever, it’s backed by decades of scientific research, and it’s sustainable for a lifetime. If you’re done with diets that leave you hungry and are looking for a healthy, delicious way of eating that leads to enhanced health, The New Atkins Made Easy is the program for you. Turn to the Week 1 shopping list on page 66, pick up some tasty foods at the grocery store, and start losing weight—today.

Don’t forget Colette’s New Atkins for a New You Cookbook.

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