The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

The Diabetes Code

The Diabetes Code
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by Dr. Jason Fung

Foreword by Nina Teicholz

Beat Diabetes with Proper Dieting and Intermittent Fasting

Today, most doctors, dietitians, and even diabetes specialists consider type 2 diabetes to be a chronic and progressive disease—a life sentence with no possibility of parole. But the truth, as Dr. Fung reveals in this paradigm-shifting book, is that type 2 diabetes is reversible. Writing with clear, persuasive language, he explains why conventional treatments that rely on insulin or other blood-glucose-lowering drugs can actually exacerbate the problem, leading to significant weight gain and even heart disease. The only way to treat type 2 diabetes effectively, he argues, is proper dieting and intermittent fasting—not medication.

“[Jason Fung] has a gift for explaining complex science clearly and delivering it with the perfect, telling anecdote.”
— Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise

About the Author

Dr. Jason Fung is a New York Times-bestselling author whose books include The Obesity Code, The Diabetes Code, The Obesity Code Cookbook, The PCOS Plan, Life in the Fasting Lane, and The Complete Guide to Fasting (co-authored with Jimmy Moore). Dr. Fung completed medical school at the University of Toronto and a fellowship in nephrology at the University of California. Dr. Fung is also the co-founder of The Fasting Method, a program to help people lose weight and reverse Type 2 Diabetes naturally with fasting.

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