Tag Archives: summer

How To Have The Best Low-Carb Summer

CarbSmart Outdoor Grilling

It's finally here...summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime! A time for getting outside, spending time with your family, and even sticking with your low-carb lifestyle. That's right! You've worked way too hard on your low-carb weight loss efforts to send it on vacation now. So don't fall into that trap as so many people do when the temperatures rise and temptation rears its ugly head.

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Low Carb Summer Libations by Dana Carpender

Summer party beverages are different than winter party beverages. Eggnog and other heavy, creamy drinks seem cloying now. And when you're playing in the sun, it's best to have a drink of modest potency, with a high water content. In other words, you want your beverages to refresh as well as relax.

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Going On a Picnic with Dana Carpender

Going on a picnic is one of the great joys of summer. Few things are more pleasant than spreading a blanket under a tree and lazing away an afternoon, noshing on simple but tasty foods. A picnic is a great way to entertain friends, too - because you won't be stuck running back and forth to the kitchen while everyone else is enjoying themselves!

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