Tag Archives: Strawberry Recipes

Low-Carb Lesson #63: Low Carb Comfort Food Scramble For Two

In the United States eggs are traditionally a breakfast food, but I like eggs just about anytime. And I like eggs just cooked just about any way you can think of: scrambled, deviled, fried, poached, hard-boiled ... any way but raw. Eggs are quick, they're easy, they're cheap, and they always seem like comfort food to me. Eggs for dinner are particularly good when you're crunched for time or for when the food budget for the week is shot.

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Low-Carb Lesson #62: A Low Carb Menu For Casual Entertaining

Since I didn't want to spend an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen, our meals revolved around some type of meat on the grill, deviled eggs, a vegetable relish plate with dip, and a fruit plate. I made the deviled eggs, the vegetable relish plate, and the fruit plate up at the beginning of the week and replenished them daily as we ate all of certain items. So when dinnertime rolled around each day, I simply had to turn on the grill to cook the meat and bring out the various plates of side dishes.

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Low-Carb Cooking 101: Lesson #60: Low Carb Easter Dinner Recipes

Apple-Herbed Leg of Lamb for Easter Dinner

Spring low carb foods are featured in this Low Carb Easter dinner to celebrate not just the holiday but the season: Low-Carb Apple-Herbed Leg of Lamb, Low-Carb Mandarin Spinach Salad, Low-Carb Asparagus in Lemon Butter & Vanilla CarbSmart Ice Cream with Simply Strawberry Sauce.

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Lesson #58: Grilled Teriyaki Pork Shoulder Steaks

We moved into a new home last month (finally!), and my husband bought a new grill to celebrate the occasion. It's a mammoth thing, all stainless steel and shiny, and looks something like a not-so-miniature aircraft carrier. This is a "manly man's" grill, huge and professional-looking, containing all the bells and whistles. The problem is, my husband can't cook.

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Low-Carb Lesson #55: Mustard Herbed Chicken Breasts

This is a quick meal to put together - assuming that you remember to thaw the chicken breasts. If you forget, go to Plan B and prepare something else. I've found that chicken breasts thawed in the microwave tend to come out tough and dry. Chicken breasts are expensive; it's not worth ruining them to stick to your original pan. Put them in the refrigerator to thaw and fix something else.

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Lesson #47: Susan’s Sizzling Steak Salad

The inspiration for tonight's menu comes from Susan M., someone I've known from various low carb lists and a CarbSmart Magazine reader. The Sizzling Steak Salad she suggested sounded so good that I asked her if I could use her idea for Low Carb Cooking 101. Thank goodness she said yes, because I really wanted to share it with all of you. Thanks, Susan!

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Lesson #44: Lamb (Or Veal) Patties Dijon

I like lamb. I like lamb A LOT. But as fate would have it, I am married to a non-lamb-loving man. He doesn't hate it, exactly, but he does nothing more than tolerate it unless I jazz it up with some sauce of some kind. Sauces he likes - the more sauce of any kind, the better. He likes it best when there's so much sauce that he can barely see the meat or fish under it.

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Low-Carb Lesson #21: Packet Up Fish Fillets Dijon

When it's hot out (and it's been HOT out!) I don't feel like cooking. I don't feel like cleaning up afterward, either. But I have to eat, and my family has to eat, so I have to do something. And since they refuse to eat off the floor and with their fingers (picky people that they are), I have to come up with new ways to minimize the cleanup.

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