Tag Archives: pregnancy

Personalized Nutrition for Optimum Fertility

Personalized Nutrition for Optimum Fertility

Nutrition-related diseases are common in our fertility practice. Patients with these issues are actually experiencing sub-fertility, however, and they generally have excellent fertility potential. Evidence- and experience-based recommendations are improving and we now have a growing experience of effective treatments. In addition, we may expect very exciting new research results in the next few years with regard to the role of gut flora and obesity, for example. Carbohydrate restriction has become a first-line, mainstream treatment in many fertility and medical clinics. Resistance to these measures appears to be waning as the benefits of these interventions become more and more obvious.

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I Have Insulin Resistance, Now What? (Part 3 of 3, Who Am I?)

Valerie Berkowitz, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

Looking for the signs and symptoms of insulin resistance is only the beginning of the journey - there is a bigger issue. A major problem lies in the attitude and standards of practice for health care professionals. Valerie Berkowitz continues to look at her history with insulin resistance to help guide you to learn how to feed yourself with what your body really needs.

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Causes and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance During Pregnancy (Part 2 of 3, Who Am I?)

Low Carb Pregnancy

In order to figure out my unexplained and substantial weight gain, my starting point of thought was "What is the underlying cause for this excessive weight gain during my pregnancy, and why was it so difficult to get it off?" Valerie Berkowitz shares part 2 of her personal story about her history with Dr. Atkins and how she learned about insulin resistance during pregnancy.

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Delilah’s Mirror Episode 15 Delilah Gets Married

Today, January 1, 2003, I don't know how much I weigh. I think it's somewhere in the 280s, but I haven't weighed. Part of me is afraid to, part of me wonders what good it would do since I can't do anything about it right now, and part of me is happy to be going back to familiar territory (although the path is unfamiliar).

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