Tag Archives: Low-Carb

Review: Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes by Amy Dungan

Gary has a great way of helping his readers understand topics that at one time seemed too complicated for someone without a medical degree. Having read his previous book Good Calories, Bad Calories from cover to cover, I expected to see a lot of the same things discussed, but in much simpler format.

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Review: Let’s Do Organic Unsweetened Organic Coconut Flakes by Amy Dungan

When thinking of low-carb, one doesn't often think of coconut. I'm not sure why, but it's just not one of those visions that pop in your head. Bacon, yes. Coconut, no. Coconut makes me think of sweet indulgent desserts and warm tropics. But coconut products can be a useful part of your low-carb plan.

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