Tag Archives: Easter

Easter Leftovers Recipes by Dana Carpender

Hey, it's the Saturday before Easter, and I've written this article just for the occasion. Why? Because I happen to know that a huge number of you will have leftover ham in the house come Sunday night, and most of you will have hardboiled eggs on hand, too. Since low carbers ain't gonna eat ham sandwiches, or egg salad sandwiches, either, I thought I'd come up with a couple of new recipes to help you clear out the fridge without messing up your diet. Here they are!

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What Should You Do With Easter Candy? by Dana Carpender

Why is it that the holiest festivals of Christianity have become culture-wide sugar-fests? I know for a fact that millions of people who never darken a church doorstep from year's end to year's end still pig out on Christmas cookies and candy canes. I'm betting that a whole lot of those folks are also snarfing down chocolate eggs, creme-filled eggs, jelly beans, and Peeps. Look! It's a Church Festival and a junk food marketing opportunity! (Not to mention all the obvious pagan symbolism involved, but that's a chat for a different blog.)

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Great St. Patrick’s Day Options for Low-Carb Dieters. Top O’ The Morning!

Top O' the Morning to ye, boys and girls! Aren't we all Irish on and near St. Patrick's Day? Isn't it a law of our fair land? Doesn't everyone have to wear some article of green clothing, or suffer the pinching consequences? Anticipating that you have been hunting four-leaf clovers and practicing to do a proper Irish jig, I will now ask you this burning question: What's Irish and spends the summer outside the back door? It's Paddy O'Furniture, don't you know!

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The Peeps Are Coming! The Peeps Are Coming!

Are you prepared for it? Are you ready to face the armies of jelly beans, marshmallow peeps, and chocolate bunnies that are about to be marching down your street and are in the aisles of every supermarket from coast to coast? Are you prepared to face the horror of the Ultimate Rational Cheat Day!?!?!

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