Search Results for: casserole

How to Survive a Holiday Meal

It's less than two weeks until Thanksgiving, and by now some of the more apprehensive low carbers among us and in full blown panic mode. "How will I make it through the holidays without cheating?" we wail. "How can I give up my mother's famous stuffing, or her pumpkin pie, or her mashed potatoes? She'll hate me! Oh, woe is me! I'm doomed!" And we pause to give ourselves time to gnash our teeth and rend our garments.

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Lesson #28: Pork Roast And Sauerkraut

I was looking back through previous Low Carb Cooking 101 lessons, and I was amazed that I had only shared one pork recipe with you. Autumn and winter aren't the only times I serve pork, for crying out loud. We have pork for dinner at least once every ten days or so, usually pork roast, pork chops, or pork steaks. But I really do like pork most in the fall and winter.

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Low Carb Breakfast Variety – Alternatives to “I’m Sick Of Eggs”

Low Carb Breakfast Variety - Alternatives to I'm Sick Of Eggs

Low Carb Breakfast Variety - Alternatives to "I'm Sick Of Eggs" - Eggs are a staple for low carbers at breakfast. They're quickly prepared, inexpensive, and versatile. While eggs do contain 0.6 grams of carbohydrates per egg, the carbohydrate count is low enough that they are easily incorporated not only into low carbohydrate breakfasts, but lunches, dinners, and snacks as well.

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Low-Carb Lesson #19: Low-Carb Chicken & Spinach

Tonight's meal has a special advantage: all the preparation work can be done the evening before. This makes it perfect for those nights when you know you're going to be getting home from work late, or when you know tomorrow is going to be incredibly hectic. (Are there any days that aren't hectic? If you have a calm, peaceful day occasionally, please let me know your secret!)

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