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Fat Head, Director’s Cut by Tom Naughton Documentary Review

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4 Copies Available! Thanks Tom!
We’re giving away 4 copies of the Fat Head Director’s Cut DVD by Tom Naughton. All you have to do is make sure you are subscribed to our free email newsletter and you’re automatically entered to win. Open to US residents only. Drawing on April 1, 2013 and that’s no April Fools Joke!

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Fat Head, Director's Cut DVD

When I first heard about Fat Head, back in 2009, I was excited to finally see a documentary that didn’t demonize fat, or worship at the altar of whole grains. I wrote up a short review on my blog, and then started sharing my copies of this DVD with everyone I knew, or recommending they purchase a copy of their own. Even to this day I loan out my many copies of Fat Head to those who are interested in learning more about taking control of their health. In my opinion, it’s a must-see.

Fat Head, Director's Cut DVDSince that time I’ve become fast friends with the film’s creators, Tom and Charevea Naughton. Actually, they are more like family than friends, and we try to get our families together as often as time allows. I’m telling you this for a couple of reasons.

  1. So you’ll understand my relationship with the Naughton family, as a disclaimer to this review.
  2. To assure you that Tom, and his family, live the life of healthy whole-food living that they so heavily promote. I’ve seen it first-hand.

Now you may be wondering why I’m reviewing Fat Head again. Didn’t I just say I reviewed in 2009? Yes, I did. But recently Tom felt it was time for an updated version – Fat Head, Director’s Cut. So let me give you a brief synopsis, for those who are new to the Fat Head fan club, then I’ll explain what’s changed from the original version.

Comedian Tom Naughton started out with the intention to film a rebuttal to Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Super Size Me. But what he ended up with was so much more. After he started looking into the nutritional science behind our national dietary recommendations, Tom realized something was very wrong – the science and the recommendations didn’t align. Fat Head quickly morphed into a funny and educational combination that teaches you to look critically at the science, understand how the body/food connection actually works, and to think for yourself with this snazzy little thing called a functioning brain. He reminds us that we aren’t stupid, despite what certain organizations would like us to believe, and we can make smart decisions all by our little ole’ selves. Imagine that! America, cancel the babysitter – turns out you are actually old enough to watch yourselves after all.

Tom starts out by discussing Spurlock’s McDonalds experiment. I think one of my favorite scenes from Fat Head is when Tom stands outside of various fast food restaurants, waiting to be hauled in by his ears while they force feed him. As you can guess, it didn’t happen. Which backs up his theory that no one makes us eat fast food. Then he begins his own experiment, complete with a beginning check-up, where he’ll eat nothing but fast food for 30 days, just as Spurlock did. The difference? Tom will use his functioning brain when making his food choices. And no, he doesn’t just eat salads and fat-free condiments. In fact, he pretty much does the opposite. (Unlike Spurlock, he’s more than willing to share his food logs.)

Tom dissects what little info Spurlock does share about his menus, as well as other nonsensical parts of Super Size me that just didn’t pass the baloney meter. But don’t worry, as I mentioned before, this isn’t just about Spurlock and his gluttony experiment. Tom is just getting started. You’ll learn how the lipid hypothesis came to be the holy grail in which all our nutritional recommendations were based. You’ll see interviews with leading experts, doctors, and scientists who understand obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If you are starting to nod off just thinking of it, don’t despair. Tom has done such a great job putting all this together, that it’s anything but boring. The use of animation (reminds me much of the Monty-Python stuff) gives some great visuals to help you really get the message. My kids even get it, and they were 10 and 12 the first time they saw Fat Head. And then there is the guy from CSPI, and the lady with the pointy, uh… well, you’ll just have to see for yourself. It’s hilarious!

Towards the end you’ll learn what happened with Tom’s 30 day experiment (cut short to 28 days because his doctor had to leave town). Let’s just say most people will be very surprised at the results.

The bonus features on Fat Head are also fantastic. You get some behind the scenes footage of interviews with Drs. Mike and Mary Dan Eades, Sally Fallon, Dr. Al Sears, Dr. Eric Oliver, and Jacob Sullivan.

So let’s talk about what’s new in this latest version of the DVD. Depending on which version you purchased, the first run of Fat Head was only the material I discussed above. Some time later Tom started selling the DVD with another bonus feature – his speech Big Fat Fiasco, which he gave at his local library near his home in Tennessee. (You can also purchase this speech separately from his website). This newest version, the Director’s Cut, contains all of the above. He did cut a few short clips to make room for some newer information, but nothing you’ll really miss too much. It’s mostly where he talks about kids and exercise, and the snippet about Spurlock being addicted to McDonalds. Tom did add is his 3 year follow-up: What’s he’s been doing since the first release of the DVD, how his diet and health has changed, and how his viewers have also made some amazing changes for the better. He also shares some recent studies and how the media is starting to take notice, as well as an interview new to the DVD – Dr. William Davis (Wheat Belly).

As before, I give this DVD two thumbs up, 5 full stars, and a truckload of appreciation. Tom is making a difference with his film, and I’m happy to share the news.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this DVD as a gift. It in no way affected my review, which is my honest opinion. There may be affiliate links within this article that yield a small commission for CarbSmart.

Interested in getting a free copy of the new Fat Head DVD? Check out this great giveaway from CarbSmart!

Win a Free Copy of Fat Head Director’s Cut
4 Copies Available! Thanks Tom!
We’re giving away 4 copies of the Fat Head Director’s Cut DVD by Tom Naughton. All you have to do is make sure you are subscribed to our free email newsletter and you’re automatically entered to win. Open to US residents only. Drawing on April 1, 2013 and that’s no April Fools Joke!

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Fat Head, Director's Cut DVD

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