Our Return Policy

Our return policy is simple. You may return any UNOPENED items within 30 days of receipt of your order for a full refund of the item’s purchase price. We can not refund your shipping costs. You do not need our prior authorization to return products to us.

Any items that are returned after 30 days must be in re-saleable condition, must have an expiration date at least 90 days in the future, and is subject to a 15% restocking fee.

Here is what you do:

  • Pack the item(s) in a box.
  • Include a copy of your invoice with your shipment and circle the items you are returning.
  • Give a brief reason for your return.
  • Make sure you include your mailing address, daytime phone number, and email address.
  • Choose a shipping method that provides you a way to track the shipment. Send it to:

CarbSmart, Inc.
Attn: Returns
505 E Windmill Lane, Ste 1C, #293
Las Vegas, NV 89123

CarbSmart will issue a refund and send you a receipt by email. To inquire about returns, you may contact Customer Service at [email protected].

If a package is returned to us because of a wrong address provided to us or because a carrier (UPS, USPS, Canadian Post) can not deliver to the address you provided us, we can not refund your shipping charges.

Return to our Customer Service section.

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