Protein Power by Michael R. Eades & Mary Dan Eades (Paperback)

Protein Power
Protein Power
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by Michael R. Eades & Mary Dan Eades

About Protein Power


429 pages


ISBN: 9780553380781

Lose weight, feel fitter, lower your cholesterol, and enjoy the foods you never thought you’d eat again! A rasher of bacon, a juicy steak, a wedge of cheese, a buttery omelet…Now, a team of pioneering doctors shows you how their groundbreaking, protein-rich eating plan succeeds where low-fat diets fail – to help you take off the weight and achieve optimal health naturally, without counting fat grams, without worrying about fat percentages, and without going up the foods you love!

Based on cutting-edge research, this revolutionary, medically sound, deliciously satisfying plan has already helped thousands of patients lose weight and achieve other lifesaving health benefits, including lower cholesterol and blood pressure readings and an improvement or reversal of common disorders such as heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and gout. Developed by Doctors Michael and Mary Dan Eades, the simple regimen calls for a new way of eating: a protein-rich, moderate-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that will have you feeling better and more energetic within a week, and correct blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol within three weeks.

The Eades provide:

  • complete, satisfying meal plans, suitable for family dinners or formal entertaining
  • a Daily Meal Outline to keep track of your food selections
  • tips on making the best selections at fine restaurants or fast-food chains
  • a mini-cookbook filled with nearly 100 easy-to-prepare and tasty recipes
  • ways to modify the foods you love the most to make them fit your diet plan
  • recipes for snack foods that can actually improve your health
  • supplements that will jump-start your metabolism to burn fat

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