How to Succeed with your Low-Carb Resolutions

How to Succeed with Your Low-Carb Resolutions – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 5

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It’s That Time Of Year Again! Choose Your Low Carb New Year’s Resolutions!

How to Succeed with Your Low-Carb Resolutions

I’m pretty sure I was supposed to have a flying car and a robot maid by now, but I’ll settle for a healthy body and a happy life. How about you? I think it’s the annual reminder of the relentless passage of time that makes New Year’s Day a great time to rededicate ourselves to achieving and preserving those things, in the interests of doing just that. Here are some suggestions for low-carb New Year’s resolutions.

I like New Year’s resolutions.

Yes, I know most people don’t keep them for very long. However, I also know that life change often requires repeated attempts. If I recall correctly, the average smoker tries to quit eight or ten times before successfully giving it up. What if, having failed once or twice, he or she said, “These resolutions just don’t work. Heck with it.”

I think it’s always a good idea to rededicate ourselves to actions that we know will benefit our lives. And if we don’t carry through the first or the fifth or the fifteenth time, it’s good to know we can try again, and it is to be hoped, quite smarter, incorporating knowledge we have gained from previous attempts.

So if you’re here for the first time, having just dedicated yourself to nutrition and weight loss, welcome to the wonderful world of low-carb. We have more fun here than people suspect. If you’ve done low carb before and are starting over, welcome back. I very much hope I can help.

I don’t have any amazing secrets, but I can tell you a few things that will greatly improve your odds of success.

So here is how to succeed with your low-carb New Year’s resolutions.

1. Get Support

how to succeed with your low-carb New Year's resolutions - Get Support

2. Never ever apologize for being low-carb

how to succeed with your low-carb New Year's resolutions - Never Apologize for Being Low-Carb

3. Make a list of your favorite low-carb foods

how to succeed with your low-carb New Year's resolutions - Make a List of Your Favorite Low-Carb Foods

4. Buy New Clothes

how to succeed with your low-carb New Year's resolutions - Buy New Clothes

5. Try New Recipes.

how to succeed with your low-carb New Year's resolutions - Try New Recipes

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2023 Low-Carb Holiday Alcohol Guide

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© by Dana Carpender. Used by kind permission of the thankful author. What do you think? Please send Dana your comments to Dana Carpender.

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