Passover: Low Carb Seder Recipes from a Jewish Mama

Passover- Low Carb Seder Recipes from a Jewish Mama

Dana Says:

Barbo Gold and I have been cyberpals since my self-published-author days, back around the turn of the millennium, so when I thought of Passover recipes, I thought of Barbo. Please note that though Barbo is a terrific cook, and an all-around-swell person, she is not Orthodox, and does not keep kosher. Since my Jewish friends run from strictly observant to not-at-all observant where the dietary laws are concerned, I figured I’d let you all decide what your own parameters are. And please note: You do not have to be Jewish to enjoy Aunt Sadieís Brisket! A great recipe is a great recipe.

Low Carb Seder Recipes

Aunt Sadie’s Brisket

Aunt Sadie’s Low Carb Brisket Recipe for Passover

Coconut Sour Cream Recipe

Coconut Sour Cream Recipe

Barbo’s Original “Noodle Kugel”

Barbo's Original Low Carb Noodle Kugel Passover Recipe

Low Carb Charoset Recipe for Passover

Low Carb Charoset Recipe for Passover

Passover- Low Carb Seder Recipes from a Jewish Mama

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Aunt Sadie’s Low Carb Brisket Recipe for Passover

Aunt Sadie’s Low Carb Brisket Recipe for Passover

This is Barbo Gold's main dish for Seder. She's been making this Low Carb Brisket Recipe since Aunt Sadie taught her over 60 years ago!

One comment

  1. Barbara Goldstein

    Hello everyone including Dana,
    Wishing you all a wonderful 2019 and a very good and low carb/keto

    Hope you have tried these recipes, you don’t have to be anything but hungry
    and love good food to try these simple recipes.

    Hopefully I shall be sharing some more recipes with you all.

    Good wishes,