The Latest From CarbSmart

Fat Head, Director's Cut DVD

Fat Head, Director’s Cut by Tom Naughton Documentary Review

Comedian Tom Naughton started out with the intention to film a rebuttal to Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size Me but what he ended up with was so much more. After he started looking into the nutritional science behind our national dietary recommendations, Tom realized something was very wrong - the science and the recommendations didn't align. Fat Head quickly morphed into a funny and educational combination that teaches you to look critically at the science, understand how the body/food connection actually works, and to think for yourself with this snazzy little thing called a functioning brain. He reminds us that we aren't stupid, despite what certain organizations would like us to believe, and we can make smart decisions all by our little ole' selves.

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My Journey to Low Carb Part 3: From Low Carb to Primal

Many things happened when I switched from a low carb approach to a Primal lifestyle, but perhaps the biggest change was my attitude. I started questioning things. I no longer ate something simply because it was low carb; I now needed to know everything that was in my food, where it came from, and how it was made. Since a Primal diet didn’t allow for legumes, grains or processed foods, a lot of the foods I had eaten in the past – Atkins bars, low carb tortillas, and tofu to name a few – were off the list.

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The New American Academy of Pediatrics Diabetes Guidelines for Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics published their guidelines for children with diabetes last week. They suggest giving kids insulin and metformin, monitor their HbA1C and start a lifestyle modification program, including nutrition and physical activity. But did they suggest cutting back on carbohydrates? Dana Carpender evaluates the new guidelines and gives us her own...based on real science and years of research.

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10 Reasons You Need Cholesterol

10 Reasons You Need Cholesterol

It was not until the mid 20th century that Americans started to fear saturated fat and cholesterol. This fat and cholesterol phobia has contributed to a national obesity rate of 35% where one third of all deaths are blamed on heart disease. Caitlin Weeks examines the 10 Reasons You Need Cholesterol.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays