The Latest From CarbSmart

Sandi Russell lost 80 lbs

Low Carb Success Story Sandi Russell

I'm happy to introduce Sandi Russell, our latest success story. A 37 year old stay-at-home mom of two boys, Sandi was a tall, healthy youth, standing 5' 9” and wearing a size 7. She was one of those people that could eat just about anything she wanted without visible consequences. As the story goes, one day things changed.

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Forks Over Knives

Movie Review: Forks Over Knives

You may be asking yourself why a low-carber such as myself is reviewing an obvious vegetarian-biased movie. The answer - because I was asked to, and I was curious. It's true, I love my bacon. But I'm always interested in what others have to share in regards to health and diet. I was sure I could learn something from this film.

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Un-Corned Beef Brisket or Chuck Pot Roast

Budget Low Carb – Beefy Comfort Food Perfect for Low-Carb St. Patrick’s Day or Any Day

Budget Low Carb is all about staying warm! Winter still lurks and stout March breezes push insistently from the sidelines. Because of this, the months leading into spring are jam-packed with one-pot-low-carb-wonders such as low carb pot roast, low carb soups, low carb stews, and low carb hash. It's easy to low carb these one-pot phenoms by simply substituting a high fiber, low carb veg in place of carby nonsense like pasta, potatoes, and rice. Great low carb, high fiber veggie substitutes include turnips, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, even a tiny bit of rutabaga--even though rutabaga is a higher carb choice.

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Low-Carb Buttery Cabbage Noodles

Low-Carb Buttery Cabbage Noodles Recipe

Susie T Gibbs shows us how to enjoy low carb comfort food on a budget for St. Patrick's Day with her Low-Carb Buttery Cabbage Noodles Recipe. This quick and easy side dish makes a great replacement for high carb pasta noodles. It's a great SDS, "sauce delivery system".

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays