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Holiday turkey

Have a Low Carb / Paleo Thanksgiving

Are you ready to have a low carb or Paleo Thanksgiving dinner? Adapt your dinner so that everyone including your Paleo folks enjoy the holiday dinner. I mean, not give up your low carb diet for a day and gorge on "regular" Thanksgiving foods but adapt your dinner so that not only the low carbers but everyone in your family will enjoy the holiday? We show you how.

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CarbSmart Magazine November 2013 Issue

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 07 November 2013: Giving Thanks for Low Carb Thanksgiving

Why is it that we usually say that "Thanksgiving is the time of year we give thanks for..." and list a bunch of things we are thankful for? There's nothing wrong with that, but why aren't we vocal more often about this incredible life we have been given? Most of us have successfully changed aspects of our life that are improving our health, extending our life, and helping us enjoy everything this life has to give. Well, this Thanksgiving, let's try to be thankful more often and let's try to tell the people we are thankful for that we are happy to have them in our lives. Here is what you will find in the November 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine.

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Natural Breast Care: Putting Your Health in Your Hands

When it comes to breast health, a lot of emphasis is put on cancer treatment. Words like "survivor" and "early detection" are common this time of year. What is discussed less frequently is prevention. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that 38% of breast cancer in the United States could be prevented with diet, physical exercise, and weight management.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays