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Happy Low-Carb Friends

A Wonderful Support System: Mary from Alabama’s Low Carb Success Story

Mary from Alabama is 30 years old. She has been following the Atkins diet since February 29, 2000, and has lost 56 pounds, even though she takes the Depo Provera shot, which is known to cause problems with weight gain in some women. She told me she started having a problem with her weight at the age of 12, a time when many young girls will start to struggle with extra pounds. She has a wonderful support system.

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Benign Dietary Ketosis And The Effects on a Diabetic

Benign Dietary Ketosis And The Effects on a Diabetic

Every human endeavor, it seems, has got to have its very own set of buzzwords. Why? I think it's because we like to think that we are in a secret club, like the ones we had in elementary school. Only certain kids knew the secret password or the secret handshake, and we felt really smug around those who did not share the secret. Well, low carbohydrate dieting has its buzzwords, some self-explanatory, and some downright scary. In the scary group, the scariest for a diabetic are ketones and its friend ketosis.

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Splenda 200 Pack Packets

Splenda’s Splendid! Reasons to Add Splenda to Your Life

plenda, Splenda, Splenda. This word was drilled into my head like a mantra when I started this way of eating. Every low carb email list I belong to extolled its virtues. Almost every low carb recipe designed for the sweet tooth included packets of Splenda. I'd never heard of the stuff. Politely I asked, "What the @#$% is Splenda?" I was desperate to know.

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Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure by Dana Carpender

High Blood Pressure and the Low Carbohydrate Diet

There are many things that happen to your body to cause your blood pressure to increase. I have been asking this question of physicians that I know, and the consensus is that they feel that obesity is a much greater risk factor than any diet. They would prefer that their patients lost the weight on a low carbohydrate diet and just monitored their blood pressure to make sure that it did not get dangerously high. There was also a general consensus that they actually saw their patients' blood pressures decrease when they followed a low carbohydrate regime.

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Scandinavian Bran Crispbread

The Birth Of A Carb Addict – Beating the Dirty Cereal Bowl Blues

I am a Carb Addict. I've been enthralled with cereal since I was three. I watched a commercial on television where they were introducing cereal in snack packs. Back then, a snack pack was a box of cereal with individually cellophane wrapped portions of cereal. The announcer, a Donna-Reed-looking lady, opened the little cello-pouch, poured out the cereal, and wadded the cellophane up in a ball and it disappeared! I was awestruck and I begged my mother to buy this new snack pack.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays