The Latest From CarbSmart

Protein Steak Beef Well Done

Protein and Amino Acids

Today we are starting our discussion of protein. Article 7 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series. We will be looking at such subjects as what is protein, why protein is necessary, what the functions of protein are in our bodies, where we get protein, what happens if we don't have enough or the right kinds of protein, and how and where in the system is protein digested. There will be a few surprises down the line.

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The Aussie Low-Carb Gourmet

Japanese Cuisine

Rice and Noodles are a large part of basic Japanese cuisine. As our way of eating precludes eating both products, some Japanese recipes can be quite hard to convert. Fortunately, the range of Japanese dishes is so large that we can find quite a wide variety that suit us.

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Simple Table Sugar

How Much Sugar Do We Eat? Sugar By Any Other Name Would Be As Sweet

There is another small subject concerning carbohydrates that needs to be addressed before we move on to discussing protein. Article 6 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series. What about all the forms of actual sugar? Are they different? Is it safer/better to eat certain ones? Well-meaning friends and relatives often say, "But, this is made with a 'special' sugar that has vitamins and minerals! It is good for you." Do you know what to tell them? No? Well, then read on.

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Losing Inches

Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss

Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss. How the hell does your body hold onto weight and still manage to get smaller while you are on your chosen low-carb plan?!? Losing inches but not weight? You know the scenario: You are on Induction for two weeks, and you haven't cheated even once. You notice that your clothes fit better, that you are stepping a little livelier, and as far as you're concerned, all's right with the world.

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The Amazing History of Chocolate – Health Benefits of Chocolate

A journey through the history of chocolate reveals that this mysterious food has woven its story throughout multiple cultures and continents impacting civilizations culturally, socially, economically and spiritually. A study of the history of chocolate begins by going back in time to the realm of the Maya Indians and the Olmec Civilizations of Central America.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays