The Latest From CarbSmart

Getting By With A Little Help From My Friends

This is going to be my first winter handling life in the world of Atkins, and I'm pretty scared. There's usually a two-month long period of serious eating that starts on Halloween and doesn't stop until New Year's Day. It's a time where there's just one traditional excuse to pig out after another! How am I going to deal with this?

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Low-Carb Lesson #08: Pizza Frittata & Tossed Salad

Sometimes there is no need to cook dinner for the whole family, but you still need to eat and want something quick. The week's meal of Pizza Frittata & Tossed Salad fits the bill, and requires virtually no planning or preparation. You probably have all the ingredients already on hand, and can put the whole meal together in less than 15 minutes.

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Meet Diana Lee

Diana Lee never intended to write a cookbook. All she wanted to do was be able to provide her family with sugar free, low carbohydrate muffins, cookies, sweet rolls, cakes, and pies. Through her participation in a number of Internet low carbohydrate support lists, Diana became aware that many people longed for just the types of recipes she was developing, and Baking Low Carb was born. (Click here: Baking Low Carb).

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Protein Steak Beef Raw

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Dr. Beth Gruber talks about how protein works in the body. Article 10 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series. The liver converts an average of 58% of the protein we eat into carbohydrates, and that the carbohydrates-from-protein are handled by the body just like "regular" carbohydrates. It is broken down into glucose by the simple water-related steps of hydrolysis; it is used for fuel to run the body; it is converted to glycogen and stored. If there is too much of it, it is converted into body fat.

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Excuses, Excuses

I went off my diet temporarily one Thursday this summer, and didn't stop being off until the following Monday morning! It all started innocently enough at a companywide lunch meeting. It was the last lunch meeting of the year that we'd be having outdoors, and my coworkers convinced me that I should go ahead and have a burger on a real bun with real ketchup, since this was the last time this year it would happen. And what good is a burger without potato salad and Fritos? Luckily, I was able to rationalize this cheat by remembering one of the golden rules of dieting: food eaten at an official company function doesn't count. So I figured I was safe, and vowed to start anew the next Friday.

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Low-Carb Lesson #07: Turkey Burgers & More

Turkey Burgers & More is a fine summer meal that can largely be prepared ahead of time. It’s great for lazy weekend evenings when you don't want to spend a great deal of time in the kitchen. This meal is a great one to serve guests outside on a picnic table on a shady patio.

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Low-Carb Green Eggs and Ham Recipe - In Oven

Low-Carb Cooking 101 – A Brief Introduction

Almost anyone can eat only plain baked and broiled meats, cooked low-carbohydrate vegetables, and salad greens for two or three weeks, but almost no one can eat only those things for long periods of time without becoming bored and giving up. If we are to be successful at making low carbohydrate eating a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet, we need to change how we cook.

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Low-Carb Lesson #06: Oven Roasted Chicken & Peppers

For this week’s Low Carb Lesson we have Chicken & Peppers. Pay particular attention to the construction of the salad. Yes, the salad would taste just the same if you simply whacked up the tomatoes and dumped them on the salad greens, but slicing and arranging them the way the recipe indicates will take you no more than an extra minute or two and will make a big difference in how the salad looks. Take the time to do it.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays