The Latest From CarbSmart

Terribly True Tales Of Low Carb Terror!

Well, summer is all most at an end now, and I'm sure we all had fun camping out, toasting pork rinds over a roaring campfire while our non-low carb friends polluted their systems with jet-puffed sugar marshmallows burnt to a crisp at the end of wooden sticks. I tell ya, who needs s'mores when you can enjoy some sweet gouda and cauliflower melted betwixt two crisp-fried pork chops?

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Low-Carb Lesson #09: Fish Almandine, Wax Beans, & Mandarin Spinach Salad

This week's menu features a simple fish dish, a cooked vegetable, and a side salad. Notice the variety of colors (white fish sprinkled with green parsley and red paprika), yellow waxed beans, and a dark green spinach salad with splashes of red and orange. Imagine what this meal would look like if mashed cauliflower were substituted for the waxed beans and coleslaw were substituted for the spinach salad. While all the dishes might taste good, the lack of color would be so boring that your eyes would cross. And I can guarantee that your kids wouldn't eat it. Never underestimate the visual aspects of the meals you prepare!

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Carbs Are More Dangerous Than You Think!!

As I have indicated in past articles, I have a tendency to stray from the righteous low carb path of life. But I'm sure that everybody cheats every once in a while, right? Well, maybe if you're some sort of Stepford-Wife-Alien-Robot entity who is bent on world domination through manipulation of the worlds fat people. Maybe you don't. But for the rest of us, we cheat occasionally. And, unfortunately, I've been cursed with the unbearable gift of rationalization.

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Getting By With A Little Help From My Friends

This is going to be my first winter handling life in the world of Atkins, and I'm pretty scared. There's usually a two-month long period of serious eating that starts on Halloween and doesn't stop until New Year's Day. It's a time where there's just one traditional excuse to pig out after another! How am I going to deal with this?

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Low-Carb Lesson #08: Pizza Frittata & Tossed Salad

Sometimes there is no need to cook dinner for the whole family, but you still need to eat and want something quick. The week's meal of Pizza Frittata & Tossed Salad fits the bill, and requires virtually no planning or preparation. You probably have all the ingredients already on hand, and can put the whole meal together in less than 15 minutes.

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Meet Diana Lee

Diana Lee never intended to write a cookbook. All she wanted to do was be able to provide her family with sugar free, low carbohydrate muffins, cookies, sweet rolls, cakes, and pies. Through her participation in a number of Internet low carbohydrate support lists, Diana became aware that many people longed for just the types of recipes she was developing, and Baking Low Carb was born. (Click here: Baking Low Carb).

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays