The Latest From CarbSmart

A Journey Without A Roadmap

Have you ever tried to refold a roadmap? I have. It's not pretty. Two hundred miles from home, toddler yelling, and dear husband giving me the look. What made me think that a road trip across country with a 2-year-old was a good idea? My inability to refold this innocuous little piece of paper seemed to be the straw to my camel. I pushed it to the floor, determined to deal with it later.

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Nancy Moshier’s Low Carb Success Story

Nancy Moshier's Low Carb Success Story. Nancy Moshier is a registered nurse and is also the author of a low carb cookbook, Eat Yourself Thin Like I Did. Nancy and her husband, Ron, are from Minnesota, but they winter in Texas. Nancy has been following the Atkins program for 3 1/2 years.

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Delilah’s Mirror

Welcome to Delilah's Mirror! I've used the low carb life to shed nearly 150 pounds, and while I'm not at goal, I'd like to share my story. I have discovered in my online low carb travels and in talking to people who are overweight, that my story is quite the norm and not even close to an exception.

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Adele’s Low Carb Success Story

Adele from Ohio is 50 years old. She follows a self-designed, low carb program that incorporates both the carbohydrate guidelines and anti-yeasting version of the Atkins program and the paleo style of eating outlined in NeanderThin by Ray Audette. Adele found what combination of low carbohydrate principles work for her "by long trial and error, mostly error!" she says.

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Low-Carb Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe

Make-Ahead Low-Carb Holiday Recipes, Part III: Holiday Desserts

All of these Low-Carb Holiday Dessert recipes are simple, and yet they will add the final touch to your holiday meal that most of us crave. They can all be made ahead of time, and several of them can be made in individual portions. If you are the lone low carber and are traveling to a family dinner, you can take just one portion of your dessert and won't have to lug the entire dessert along with you.

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Jess From Wisconsin’s Low Carb Success Story

Jess from Wisconsin is 18 years old and follows the Atkins program. Jess is 5' 5" tall and has gone from 225 pounds to 145 pounds! Jess' goal weight is 120. (Please note that her after picture above was taken when Jess weighed 158 pounds; Jess has lost an additional 13 pounds since that picture was taken!)

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays