The Latest From CarbSmart

No One Ever Makes A New Year's Resolution Like This

No One Ever Makes A New Year’s Resolution Like This

No one ever makes a new year's resolution like this: "This year I resolve to find a product which will magically turn me thin, and I resolve to buy it." No one ever makes a new year's resolution like this, either: "This year I will find a magic expert to take over my life and by following them exactly I will lose weight."

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CarbSmart Notebooks

New Year’s Resolutions: A Challenge For All Of Us

New Year's Resolutions are promises that we make to ourselves. Some of us believe in making New Year's resolutions; some don't. I happen to believe in them. I believe that it is our obligation to strive to better ourselves, and that making promises to ourselves to do certain things (or not do certain things, as the case may be) will help us to accomplish our goals is one tool we can use to improve ourselves. The trouble is that most of us don't know squat about making effective promises - to ourselves or to anybody else.

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Getting to the Truth About Cholesterol – Is It A Devil Or An Angel?

The incidence of heart disease has not declined, despite a decrease in fat intake. The most recent studies indicate that total dietary fat has no relation to heart disease risk, that monounsaturated fats (like olive oil) actually lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and that man-made trans-fatty acids (the type of fats in margarine) are the fats that are unhealthful. Article 17 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series.

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Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Candi From California’s Low Carb Success Story

I'm Candi. I am 37 years old, and I live in San Diego, California. I've been reading the articles by Brian Pierce in CarbSmart Magazine and loving them!! I also have read the bulletin board at the Atkins Center Website for some time, but only recently joined the AtkinsFanClub email list on Yahoo groups, that Brian is know to pop in on occasionally with all his usual outrageousness.

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Easy Living Low-Carb Cooking

Easy Living Low-Carb Cooking – Published by CarbSmart – Over 150 Induction-Friendly Recipes – NOW IN IT’S THIRD PRINTING!

Easy Living Low-Carb Cooking is your answer for low-carb recipes induction - 6 net carbs or less. Written by two busy wives/mothers, this book includes hints, tips, sample menus, and personal experiences to help make your eating plan (regardless of the particular program you follow) as successful as possible. Over 150 Induction-Friendly Recipes - NOW IN IT'S THIRD PRINTING!

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Looking For Luck In All The Right Places

Happy New Year, 2002. It's a palindrome, you know, 2002. A palindrome is a word that reads the same backwards and forwards, like mom or dad or gag. The last time we had a palindromic year was 1991, and the one before that was clear back in 1881. And, there won't be another one for 110 years, not until the year 2112. These are rare years, indeed! It's a gas to be living in one.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays