The Latest From CarbSmart

Low-Carb Lesson #17: Low Carb ‘It’s Not Just For Breakfast’ Meal

Tonight's menu serves a duel purpose because it can be served simply as either a family breakfast or dinner and it can also be expanded slightly to a terrific company brunch that you serve for your family and friends. My husband and I were served a variation of this meal when we were down in Florida visiting friends this January. Not only did I enjoy it, but so did Rod - and he is a high carb Philistine.

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The Peeps Are Coming! The Peeps Are Coming!

Are you prepared for it? Are you ready to face the armies of jelly beans, marshmallow peeps, and chocolate bunnies that are about to be marching down your street and are in the aisles of every supermarket from coast to coast? Are you prepared to face the horror of the Ultimate Rational Cheat Day!?!?!

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Cyndee From Washington’s Low Carb Success Story

Cyndee from Washington State is 40 years old and 5' 3" tall. Cyndee began following Protein Power plan weighing 260 pounds, and currently weighs 134 pounds. She is just seven pounds from her goal weight of 127. Cyndee has dropped from a size 28W to her goal size of 10, even though she has not yet quite reached her goal weight!

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Are You Looking For Support?

Low carbing can be very lonely. We low carbers are not part of the mainstream of society (yet), and finding support and information can be pretty tough. I am convinced that one of the reasons Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig have been around so long and have been so successful as businesses is because they offer real, physical places to go to and real people to talk with.

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Who Won The Superbowl? I Did!

Now that the day of reckoning has come and gone, the tale can finally be told. It is a tale of ultimate torment and anguish. A tale of a hard-fought and harsh battle the likes of which only the most epic of novels could ever be written.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays