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Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

CG From California’s Low Carb Success Story

CG from California is 43, and is happily married with two sons. She is 5' 5 1/2" tall and currently weighs 165 pounds, down 28 pounds from her starting weight of 193. CG's goal weight is 150 pounds, so she only has 15 pounds to go! When CG started low carbing, she wore a size 16, and she is now comfortable in a size 10. She would like to wear a size 8.

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Fat Fast Peanut Butter Pudding Recipe

Fat Fast Peanut Butter Pudding Recipe

Fat Fast Peanut Butter Pudding thickens up magnificently, and can either be eaten “as is” or partially frozen, but don't let it get rock hard unless you just want to suck on it. If you love this one, make up several servings at one time and stick them into the refrigerator in custard cups for individual servings. That way you only have one cleanup.

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Fat Fast Egg Yolk Dip Recipe

Fat Fast Egg Yolk Dip Recipe

A great quick healthy Fat Fast recipe. Think of this as the filling for deviled eggs. Eat plain, or stuffed into celery or spread on a few rounds of cucumber. Also great for a Fat Fast, Low-Carb Gluten-Free breakfast.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays