The Latest From CarbSmart

The Epiphany Of The Low Carb Crusader

It finally happened. After 1 year, 10 months, and 17 days on Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution.... After countless cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and pigs (the tastiest and crispiest of God's creatures - truly blessed) and other types of livestock have given their lives to my ongoing weight loss.... After 148 pounds had been dropped.... I finally came to that wall that stops so many low carbers dead in their tracks every day.

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Establishing Boundaries

Do we believe that other people care what we eat? And if we do, do we believe that what they think matters? Even my parents recognized my sister's and my rights to establish a fair boundary in the back-seat. They might have quibbled with our techniques, but no one questioned our rights to boundaries. The same should be true of our eating. It is a uniquely personal decision, effecting no one else directly and only a limited number of people in our lives even indirectly. Why not allow ourselves the dignity of establishing a few no trespassing signs?

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Great St. Patrick’s Day Options for Low-Carb Dieters. Top O’ The Morning!

Top O' the Morning to ye, boys and girls! Aren't we all Irish on and near St. Patrick's Day? Isn't it a law of our fair land? Doesn't everyone have to wear some article of green clothing, or suffer the pinching consequences? Anticipating that you have been hunting four-leaf clovers and practicing to do a proper Irish jig, I will now ask you this burning question: What's Irish and spends the summer outside the back door? It's Paddy O'Furniture, don't you know!

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Meg’s Low Carb Success Story – UPDATED!!

I'm currently hovering around 240 pounds," says Meg, "and still hope to lose another 50 to 60. My panniculectomy surgery (removal of the abdominal "apron" of skin) only took off 17 pounds, not the 30 that the surgeon estimated, but I'm okay with that, and I've lost a bit more on my own, though the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like due to the fact that I'm building muscle. I do have some hernias from previous surgeries which will have to be repaired at some point, so with luck my insurance will pay for a tummy tuck."

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays