The Latest From CarbSmart

The Challenge of Maintenance

You've lost the weight. You got on the scales one morning and there it was, your goal weight. Or you went to the gym and had your body fat percentage checked and found out that you were already below your goal body fat percentage, even though you hadn't gotten to goal weight. Or you finally got into that goal outfit, that goal dress or pant size.

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Yogurt, A Great Low Carb Choice

Ah, summer, the season of cool creamy yogurt as a snack on a hot afternoon. That was pre-low carb though, right? Wrong! Gone are the days of passing by the yogurt at the grocery for fear of its high carb count. The truth is you CAN eat yogurt daily and still maintain a low carb lifestyle. Yogurt will have a minimum impact on your carb allowance and may improve your intestinal health to boot.

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Bouncing Back From My Cheatin’ Ways

Much like how Dolly Parton has to be thankful to the underwire in her bra, I am so very thankful for the support shown by all my readers during my "Operation: Atkins 2.0"! I replied personally to many of you who mailed me, but after 36 hours, 2 boxes of Band-Aids for my blistered fingers, and a full bottle of Visine Eye-Drops, I decided to go with a blanket statement of thanks for the remainder of you. So if you didn't hear back from me, it's not because I'm unappreciative of the support, I just didn't have the time/strength/power to do it! The mind is strong, but the body is oh so WEAK!

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The Taxman Cometh

Here's something to ponder during Tax Month. On average, one teaspoon of honey is the lifetime labor output of twelve bees. Imagine that, twelve bees. I point this out to you in order to prove, once again, that things could always be worse.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays