The Latest From CarbSmart

Healthy Fats - Olive Oil

What are Lipids? Fat Is One Kind Of Lipid, But There Are Others

Fat Is One Kind Of Lipid, But There Are Others. Dr. Beth Gruber talks about the various lipids and how they really impact your health. Fats and oils are members of a category of substances known as lipids. Other lipids include the compounds known as waxes, phospholipids, and steroids. Additionally, I have some more things to say about cholesterol, since cholesterol is one of these other lipids. Article 24 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series.

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Celebrating Low-Carb Mother's Day

Have a Low-Carb Mother’s Day with Zack! Mama Mia!

It's May. Whether or not we frolicked around a May Pole with flowers and long ribbons, we had better start thinking about Mother's Day. Zack Grady talks about Mother's Day and the Low-Carb Lifestyle. People who know about these things say that the first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in ancient Greece.

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Kathleen Lunson

Honesty IS The Best Policy

Webster's defines honesty as "the state or quality of being honest; specifically refraining from lying, cheating and stealing, being truthful, trustworthy or upright, sincere, fair, straightforward." The original meaning of the word was akin to the word honor.

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Laura From Arizona’s Low Carb Success Story

Laura from Arizona is 56 years old. Laura follows Dr. Atkins' program for the most part, but occasionally does a couple days of the Stillman plan. Laura's current weight is 196 pounds, down 56 pounds from her pre-low carb weight of 246! When Laura began low carbing, she wore size 22/24, and told me that now her size 18s and larges are loose!

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Vitamins & Supplements Part 1: The Minimum You Should Be Taking

This article is aimed at the first category of people, those who dislike taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements. I will be discussing the minimum vitamins, minerals, and supplements I feel everyone (not just low carbers) should be taking. I will also examine several of the readily available brands of multivitamins currently on the market, and will provide you with a chart for comparison.

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The Challenge of Maintenance

You've lost the weight. You got on the scales one morning and there it was, your goal weight. Or you went to the gym and had your body fat percentage checked and found out that you were already below your goal body fat percentage, even though you hadn't gotten to goal weight. Or you finally got into that goal outfit, that goal dress or pant size.

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Yogurt, A Great Low Carb Choice

Ah, summer, the season of cool creamy yogurt as a snack on a hot afternoon. That was pre-low carb though, right? Wrong! Gone are the days of passing by the yogurt at the grocery for fear of its high carb count. The truth is you CAN eat yogurt daily and still maintain a low carb lifestyle. Yogurt will have a minimum impact on your carb allowance and may improve your intestinal health to boot.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays