The Latest From CarbSmart

Cathie From Florida’s Low Carb Success Story

Cathie from Florida is 5’ 5" tall and 36 years old. Following the Atkins program, she has dropped from 220 pounds to just 128 pounds. Cathie is a mere 18 pounds shy of her goal weight. She has "ungrown" her old size 2X clothes and now wears 9/10’s. And she did all this in just nine months!

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Lesson #24: Steak Oskar

Sometimes you just have to take the time to have dinner alone with your spouse. It's so nice to have a little quiet time together, even if it means fixing a separate dinner for the kids earlier in the evening. It's worth the effort, even though it's not something you'd want to do every night.

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Delilah’s Mirror Episode 12 But If I’m Not Fat, Who Am I?

This weekend a fellow low carber has come to my town on a business trip, and I have enjoyed his company immensely. In a conversation in which he successfully attempted to recondition my thinking about the seminal event I've written about which I will call "The Fat 5-Year-Old," I blurted out, "But if I'm not fat, I wouldn't know who I am anymore. Who am I if I'm not fat?

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Low-Carb UnPotato Salad with Cauliflower Recipe by Dana Carpender

Low-Carb Potato Nearly Recipe – Made with Cauliflower

I loved potatoes. Bake 'em!! , Fry 'em!!, Chip 'em!!, Mash 'em!! Unfortunately potatoes have no place in our LC eating plans. So what do we eat instead of potato? The answer is the common cauliflower. Like all members of the cruciferous family the cauliflower is a rich source of vitamins and minerals particularly vitamin C. It also contains sulfurous compounds which may help to prevent certain cancers from forming. It also causes the smell when cooked. We cook in an enclosed microwave container with a lid.

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Thinking Outside The Box

I love it when people take a recipe and run with it, with their own shifts and interpretations. James Beard once said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that baking is science, but cooking is art.

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The Resurrection Of Calorie Counting – Big Time!

During World War II, there was not a lot of focus on dieting. People had other things to worry about, and there was rationing of many items, including food. There was less time to think about personal weight issues. Many women worked in factories and industry while the men were overseas. But when the war ended, things changed quickly. Large numbers of women left the workforce and returned to their homes, many as newly-wed housewives.

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An Update On My Own Low Carb Success Story

Last week I celebrated my two-year anniversary of low carbing. I have had many requests to share "my story" with my online support groups. In doing so, I received dozens of online and offline thank you notes from people for sharing not only the ups, but the downs, and all the mistakes, revelations, and lessons I have learned along the way.

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Moon Shine

If you come looking for me in September on the evening of the full moon, I'll be outside in the backyard. (No, I will not be out running with werewolves; that'll be next month, at Halloween.) Glorious Spouse and I will be in the yard, reclining side by side on our matching lounge chairs, gazing up at the moon. And, I'll be reciting some poetry, beginning with the one written by the old famous Chinese poet, Li Bai:

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays