The Latest From CarbSmart

Meet Ruth Glick

Ruth Glick doesn't know it yet, but her family is about to become larger. After reading her cookbook, Fabulous Lo-Carb Cuisine, trying some of the recipes, and talking to her on line, I've decided to ask her to adopt me. I want to eat like this all the time, and I'd like to enjoy her company. She's delightful.

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Diet Pills And Dieting

In my last article, I discussed the development of the diet pill phenomenon. This brilliant marketing strategy changed the course of the medical treatment for obesity by grouping together different kinds of drugs that might (or might not, for that matter) have some relation to weight loss, and then selling the patient all the drugs at once. The plan was enormously lucrative for the drug companies who manufactured the chemicals, and also for the so-called "fat doctors" who prescribed them. But before we put all the blame on the drug companies and the doctors, we must face a certain reality. The public was very willing to hear the message that overweight can be treated with chemicals.

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Love Is The Thing

Since it was just Thanksgiving the other day, I don't know how it can already be February, but such is the speed of 'time travel.' And speaking of how fast things travel, I want to tell you this piece of trivia which may or may not be true, but which ought to be true if it isn't. They say that the speed of a computer mouse, that is, the distance the cursor moves across the screen, in relation to the distance the mouse actually moves across the mouse pad, is measured in units called mickeys. Don't you just love it!

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Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Nancy From Tennessee’s Low Carb Success Story

Nancy from Monterey, Tennessee did not start low carbing for weight loss. Nancy is 69 years old, 5' 3" tall, weighed 111 pounds, and wore a size 6 when she began Dr. Richard Bernstein's program more than six years ago to control her diabetes. Today she still wears a size 6 and now weighs 114 pounds.

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Chemicals And Pills For Weight Control

In this series of articles, I've been talking about diets and dieting. We've looked at plans and paraphernalia, machines, food combination diets, calorie counting, meals in cans, and weight loss clubs. The easy answer to losing weight continues to evade discovery.

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Amy From Kentucky’s Low Carb Success Story

Amy from Kentucky is 29 years old and 5 foot 3 inches tall. Amy has been following the Atkins program since November 11 of 2001. She has lost 37 pounds. going from 177 pounds to 140 pounds, and has dropped from a size 14 to an 8. Her goals are to weigh 130 pounds and wear a size 6.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays