The Latest From CarbSmart

Does Daylight Savings Time Affect Your Low-Carb Lifestyle?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret that's pretty incredible. You'll want to keep this in your file, labeled 'Uncle Zack's Tidbits of Unnecessary Things to Know.' (You are keeping up your file, aren't you? There will be additions as we go along, and perhaps a Pop Quiz one of these days.) Stand confounded: as amazing as it may be, using your hands alone, it is impossible to fold any piece of paper in half more than seven times, no matter how big or small a piece of paper you start out with. (It's okay; don't worry. I won't go on without you. I know you have to stop reading and try this out. I'll wait here while you go fold the newspaper, that scrap of paper laying next to your computer, and the snail-mail letter that just came from your dear old Auntie Doris.) What you hear now are the sounds of my fingers drumming my desk top while I wait.

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Low-Carb Lesson #40: Grilled Steaks With Lemon-Chive Butter

I'm ready for spring. No, I'm actually ready for summer. I want to grill out and have delightful meals on the patio, punctuated by the cries of the birds and cooled by soft breezes. Unfortunately, when I got up this morning, the outside temperature was 22 degrees, and it wasn't much warmer inside since I'd forgotten to turn the furnace back on. (Boy, did I catch what for from my family for that!)

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Low-Carb Lesson #39: Lemon & Garlic Pork Chops

Tonight's meal takes advantage of two different spring vegetables, radishes and spinach. If you garden, you're going to want to plant both. Radishes are particularly easy. We had a neighbor when we lived in Hicksville, Ohio (yes, there really is a town named Hicksville!) who used to bring us over bunches and bunches of radishes each spring. I finally asked him why he planted so many more than his family could use, and he replied, "Oh, we hate radishes, but they're the only thing we've been able to grow." Evidently, even someone with a brown thumb can grow radishes.

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Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Anne From Australia’s Low Carb Success Story

Anne from Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia is 61 years old and 5' 4" tall. Anne has been following the Atkins program since October of 1999, and has dropped from her high weight of 246 pounds and top size of 24 to a current low weight of 173 pounds and is now wearing a size 12.

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Scram, You Words!

The Standard American Diet is now to be promoted in every aspect of school life, not merely in the so-called Health classes. Only "healthy" foods are to be mentioned in books for kids. Much mention of pasta, bread, and sugary juices; no mention of some object cutting through something else "like a hot knife through butter!" When they teach small children that milk comes from cows, what will they say comes from pigs?

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Low-Carb Lesson #38: Ballpark Low-Carb Omelet

Today is officially the first day of spring, and what comes right on spring's heels? BASEBALL! Monday is Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds, and it's a very big deal here. At this point in the season hope springs eternal, and we all KNOW that the Reds are going to win the World Series this year. There's a parade before the game, and both kids and adults cut school and/or work to attend the pre-game festivities as well as the ball game itself.

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Herbal Preparations

We've been talking about diet medications, and most recently, about Fen/phen. There seems to be a constant hunt for chemicals that will make one slim. Today we'll take a look at some of the herbal preparations for obesity that are vying for our consumer dollars.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays