The Latest From CarbSmart

Low-Carb Lesson #50: Low-Carb Italian Fish Fillets

I promised my husband fish a few days ago, so tonight we're having Italian Fish Fillets. I find that it takes more fish than beef to fill me up and make me feel completely satisfied, so I always count on one half pound of fish per person. That doesn't mean that my family of four always polishes off two pounds of fish, but to my way of thinking it's better to have too much (and have leftovers for lunch the next day) than it is to have too little.

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Low-Carb Mexican Chicken Breasts

Low-Carb Lesson #49: Low Carb South Of The Border Chicken

My family has a love affair with Mexican food. Oh heck, let's face it: my family has a love affair with food. But Mexican food really is high up on the list, believe me, just as long as it is spicy enough (for my son) and not too spicy (for my husband). It's such a joy trying to make everyone happy at the dinner table. I've learned adjust the spices to MY taste (which is mildly medium - I'm so boring). I then provide my son with multiple bottles of a variety of hot sauces with slightly obscene names and my husband with multiple glasses of ice water.

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Sex And Food

There are certain instinctive drives that all human beings share. Hunger is one of them. Eating is necessary for our survival as individuals, so we eat. We can't live without eating, so the drive to eat is hardwired into our psyches. As individuals, we can live without sex, but as a species we cannot, so that drive is also hardwired into our psyche.

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Low-Carb Gluten-Free Steak Diane Recipe

Low-Carb Lesson #48: Steak Diane, Asparagus and Garden Salad

I'm a beef person; my husband is a fish person. Tonight I'm satisfying MY taste buds and serving Steak Diane. Sometime over the weekend I'll fix some salmon, his all-time favorite fish, just to be evenhanded. (Don't you just hate being fair and considering everybody's tastes? As far as I'm concerned, being "nice" is highly overrated. Why do I keep on doing it?!? Because I'm a patsy, that's why.)

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Marcia From Oklahoma’s Low Carb Success Story

Marcia is from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and follows CAHHP (Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program). Marcia has been a controlled carbohydrate eater since December 1, 2000. She is 5' tall and has dropped from a high weight of 250 pounds and size 24 down to 156 pounds and size 12. Marcia is well on her way to her goal of weighing 125 pounds.

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And The Oscar Goes To…

We all know what it feels like to be overweight. The self-disgust. The shame. The exhaustion. Unpleasant physical symptoms abound; maybe we even have to have our blood taken regularly to test for diabetes. A trip to the doctor's office includes the inevitable rationalizations about heavy clothing as we step on the scale and later dire pronouncements of doom and gloom from the doctor if we don't do something.

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LBJ From Minnesota’s Low Carb Success Story

LBJ from Minnesota is 53 years old and 5' 4" tall. LBJ has been low carbing for since April of 1999, and has been at the maintenance level for nearly four years. She follows the Protein Power program. When LBJ began low carbing, she weighed 150 pounds and wore a size 14. Currently, LBJ weighs 114 pounds and 1s wearing a size 3. She has dropped 36 pounds and more than 5 dress sizes!

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Time Now for Commercial Break #3 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So…What Happens When You Lose Your Motivation? Part II

By August 18, 2001, weighing in at 255 pounds (down from 380), I was to meet The Captain for the first time, and I was a wreck. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I knew I hadn't lost enough weight to make a good impression on him. And I was sick to my stomach because it wasn't enough. I knew in my heart that it would never be enough, and I would not acknowledge that fact.

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Lesson #47: Susan’s Sizzling Steak Salad

The inspiration for tonight's menu comes from Susan M., someone I've known from various low carb lists and a CarbSmart Magazine reader. The Sizzling Steak Salad she suggested sounded so good that I asked her if I could use her idea for Low Carb Cooking 101. Thank goodness she said yes, because I really wanted to share it with all of you. Thanks, Susan!

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays