The Latest From CarbSmart

You Can Have Anything You Want… by Dana Carpender

Your life, I mean. No, I'm not talking theologically; let's not get into issues of divine creation and salvation and such; we're here to talk diet and health. I'm talking about the indisputable truth that 90% of the time, our lives, good or bad, are largely the result of the choices we make. Yes, your genetics play a role. Yes, your upbringing influences you. Yes, the tides of history can intervene, and wash away all trace of the life you carefully created for yourself - ask anyone in a war torn land. Still, and always, our choices, our actions, are the single most powerful influence we have on creating our lives, for good or ill.

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Ask Dana Carpender – Fear of

Reading your email over several times, the thing that jumps out at me is fear. You're afraid - afraid of food, afraid of getting out of control. And your way of containing that fear is to wall yourself off with your safe and familiar foods, to stay home, to stick to a single routine. It's become a ritual of protection.

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Valerie Berkowitz Is A Dietitian Even Dr. Atkins Could Love! Podcast Interview by Jimmy Moore

Jimmy is very pleased to share his interview with Dr. Atkins’ very own hand-picked registered dietitian, Valerie Berkowitz. Valerie, besides being a nutrition specialist and wife of former guest Dr. Keith Berkowitz, is the nutrition consultant for the magazines Prevention and Men’s Health, and the co-author of the book The Stubborn Fat Fix: Eat Right to Lose Weight and Cure Metabolic Burnout without Hunger or Exercise.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays