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Alcohol on Your Low Carb Lifestyle Revisited Includes Low Carb Mockahlua Recipe

Dana Carpender shares her recipe for Low Carb Mockahlua, as well as ways to fit alcohol into your low carb holiday celebrations. 'Tis the season to make merry! Seems to me that there are more parties crammed into the month of December than all the rest of the year put together. For many of us, parties mean downing cocktail or two. So how does drinking alcohol fit into a low carb diet?

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Make Someone Happy with Low-Carb Gifts by Amy Dungan

Christmas is drawing close and many people are still trying to figure out what to get that special someone who is hard to buy for. You know the one I'm talking about - those that either have everything (which is certainly not me!) or those who are particular in their likes and dislikes. And let's just face the reality that low-carbers are picky. We have to be, at least where food is concerned. One of the great things about us is that we are passionate about our lifestyle and we aren't afraid to share that passion and help others. So this Christmas, give some of that love back to the low-carber in your life. Below I've listed what I believe to be some of the best gifts a low-carber could ask for.

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Vanilla Tea on the Belly Fat Cure

I'm a big tea lover, and fall and winter are the perfect times to warm up with a nice cup in the evening. I have also found having a tea in the evening is the perfect way to may me feel full and even satisfy my sweet tooth. In the past I have written about Chocolate Teas, which I absolutely love, but there aren't many decaf options for the evening. So this post is all about vanilla teas!

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Dealing with Food Pushers by Amy Dungan

Holidays bring a myriad of emotions. The joy of spending time with family and friends can be the highlight of the season. The flip side of this coin is that family gatherings tend to center around food, and the inevitable pressure to eat everything your Aunt Trudy made. After all, she made that sugary carb-loaded favorite just for you! Will it really hurt to have just one serving and save her fragile feelings?

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Thanksgiving Day Leftovers by Dana Carpender Includes Her Turkey Tetrazinni Recipe

Thanksgiving was Thursday. Maybe you took an Indulgence Day, maybe - like a growing (or, more accurately, shrinking) group of low carbers, you kept on low carbing right through the feast. I heard from a lot of people who had fauxtatoes and sugar-free pumpkin pie. Regardless, you probably have some leftovers kicking around. You're not going to be eating turkey sandwiches, or at least I hope you're not. So what to do with your leftover bird?

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Low-Carb Pork Rind Stuffing Recipe

I have had very low carb stuffing that was remarkably like cornbread stuffing, made from - of all things - crushed pork rinds. The recipe comes from my erstwhile friend Trish Z. who very kindly let me use it in 500 More! Low-Carb Recipes. Here it is!

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Lower Carb Skillet Buttermilk Cornbread Recipe

As a Yankee, I'm used to stuffing made from wheat bread, but if your roots lie in the South, you've likely grown up on cornbread stuffing. You'll need to make your own cornbread if you want to keep the carbs reasonably low. Here's a lower carb recipe for a good Southern-style cornbread.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays