The Latest From CarbSmart

Spring is Here by Dana Carpender

Wow! It's spring! It's really, really spring! At least it is here in Bloomington, Indiana. (Yes, I know for my readers in the southern hemisphere that it's autumn. But autumn's nice too...) The snowdrops are blooming, and green things are poking their little heads up all over my yard.

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Jelly Belly Sugar Free Gummi Bears

Jelly Belly Sugar-Free Gummi Bears 2.8 oz. bag

Jelly Belly Sugar-Free Gummi Bears. Jelly Belly has made Sugar-Free Gummi Bears for years, and now they are better than ever with their new gummi recipe using Splenda and other sugar substitutes. With 45% less calories than regular Gummi Bears, loads of sweet flavor come in cherry, grape, lemon, pear, raspberry, tangerine, and watermelon.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays