Review of New Hope Mills Pancake & Waffle Mix by Amy Dungan. Pancakes were a breakfast staple at our house for many years. Who doesn't love a warm, fluffy pancake? They are especially great when dealing with kids, or large groups, since pancakes are simple to fix and relatively inexpensive. Add in all the different topping choices and you have what seems to be a perfect meal. The downside is pancakes are really high in carbohydrates, not to mention that nutritionally they deserve to sit in the corner with a dunce hat on. For the last several years we've mostly shunned pancakes. We quit inviting them to breakfast and refused to acknowledge them on menus in public. While my children have occasionally whispered that they missed pancakes, I reminded them that pancakes have never done us any favors. In fact, they've always been wolf in sheep's clothing, disguised as a healthy low-fat breakfast.
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