The Latest From CarbSmart

What Motivates Organizations to Say Sugar is OK & Fat is Bad?

First of all, there are no monolithic Powers That Be. There are a whole lot of different Powers That Be, and they all make up their minds separately, in their own time, and they all have their own motives. There are, for instance, medical schools, a whole lot of medical schools, and a great deal of the funding for those medical schools comes from the pharmaceutical industry, as does a lot of the money for medical research. That's a clear danger, but the alternative, at least as far as I can tell, is to fund medical schools and medical research with tax money. For good or ill, a large faction of Americans is very much against that.

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Review: Atkins Day Break Cherry Pecan Bars by Amy Dungan

One of the biggest lamentations I hear about low-carb living is the lack of convenience foods. If you have a job or schedule that requires you to constantly be on the go, it can be a challenge. You can pre-cook a lot of food and keep it in a cooler near by, but that doesn't always work out either. For those that don't mind a little "frankenfood" now and then, you do have the options of products like Atkins Day Break Cherry Pecan Bars.

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Splenda 200 Pack Packets

Splenda No Calorie Sweetener 200 packet box

Splenda Brand Sweetener is the ingredient that is already used to sweeten many low calorie/low carb foods and beverages. 200 count box is ideal for the whole family and for people with diabetes. Free of the unpleasant aftertaste associated with some other artificial sweeteners.

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low-carb cooking 101
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Celebrating All of Your Low-Carb Holidays