Dixie Carb Counters Whole Soy Nutlettes Soy Cereal 2 lb Box

Dixie Carb Counters Soy Nutlettes 2lb box

Dixe Carb Counters Soy Nutlettes 2 lb box
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  • No Sugar Alcohols
  • No Polydextrose
  • Diabetic-Friendly
  • No Sugar Added

Who said, “Nothing healthy comes out of a ready-to-eat, cold cereal box?”

Now you have a healthy breakfast food choice. Compare Dixie Carb Counters Nutlettes soy cereals to Grape Nuts and you will see that instead of 200 calories and 350 milligrams of sodium, Nutlettes have 140 calories, 5 milligrams of sodium (salt) and a 1/2 cup serving provides a whopping 9 grams of fiber and 25 grams of soy protein! Not only that, there is no sugar added. Soy nutlettes cereal is all natural soy. Nutlettes stays crunchy when you pour milk on it – and even after sitting for 30 minutes or more, it still has a crunchy center. There is no other breakfast food like it! If you prefer, add sweetener and/or fruit.

Get your soy the delicious, easy, fast and fun way with Nutlettes, Dixie’s soy cereal – all natural – with no added fillers or fortifiers…just pure and tasty with a pleasing natural coating.

Once you try this delicious, healthy cereal, you will reach for it on a regular basis – it’s the fastest way to get that daily soy (the regularly consumed soy that has been proven to protect against so many major diseases). It fits your hectic lifestyle – the times when you just can’t stop to fix that special meal you would like to. Slip some in a zip lock bag the next time you have to travel – get your soy and fiber in your morning cereal bowl! The good way to start out your day!

Whole Soy Nutlettes Soy Cereal Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size 1/2 Cup (55g) dry
  • Servings per container 9
  • Calories 140
  •   Fat Calories 13
  • Total Fat 1.5g
  •   Sat. Fat 0.5g
  • Colesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 5mg
  • Potassium 1212mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 15g*
  •   Fiber 9g*
  •   Sugars 4g
  • Protein 25g

Ingredients: Soy flour, corn (trace).

*Net carbs as listed by the manufacturer on the package = 6g. per serving.

More Dixie Carb Counters Breakfast Cereals.

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