Norma From Nova Scotia’s Low Carb Success Story

Norma from Nova Scotia is 54 years old and 5′ 6″ tall. Norma began the Atkins program in July of 1999 after being introduced to it a month earlier by her friend, Joya. She began low carbing weighing 175 pounds and wearing size 18. She reached her goal of 125 pounds in late December of 1999.

“I had maintained my goal weight for six months,” Norma said. “At that point, I thought it was time I took total control over my life and needed to quit smoking. On July 1st, 2000, Robert (my husband) and I gave up smoking. Oh, what a battle that was, but we made it! I gained some weight back and struggled a bit to re-lose that last ten pounds.”

Today, Norma is smoke free for three years and has been a low carber for nearly four years, “I’m feeling fit as a fiddle!” she laughed.

Norma started putting on weight after she turned 40.

“Prior to low carbing,” Norma shared. “I used to be so tired all the time, and I found it almost impossible to get through a day of teaching my elementary school kids. If I had to go out in the evenings, I made sure I had a nap before I went, but it was still a silent, painful ordeal for me. I needed to do something, and when I learned about Atkins I joined an online list. The people there were most supportive and helpful. I finally bought the book and started Atkins July 1st, 1999. I very seldom cheated, and reached my goal of 125 pounds by January 1st, 2000.”

“The only really negative aspects of this way of eating I experienced was constipation. I learned through my online list how to avoid that! The best part was that I was rarely hungry, and discovering just how EASY low carbing really is once you make a commitment to ‘just do it.'”

Norma shared that the two most important things to remember are to have a positive attitude, and if you find yourself stalled, it is crucial to evaluate what you are eating.

“As far as cheating,” Norma continued, “these are my thoughts: If you do it, don’t beat yourself up. Get RIGHT back ON, not tomorrow, but TODAY. A favorite article I love to share with my list mates about cheating is here:

The Morning After – How To Survive a High Carb Day

It really says it all.”

Norma is the moderator of Atkins Challengers at Yahoo Groups. You can find the Atkins Challengers here:

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Karen Rysavy from Colorado is 38 years old and 5'11 inches tall. Karen started low carbing in 2000 doing a combination of Atkins and Protein Power but since that time has studied most of the popular low carb plans out there and implemented parts of each (the parts that worked for her) into her own personal Way of Eating. She began at 271 pounds and wearing size 24/26 and is now 210 and wearing 14/18. Karen revised her goal of a size 12 and 185 pounds to "happy and healthy". A very important goal for Karen, one which she has REACHED!