Miki from Pennsylvania’s Low Carb Success Story

Success Stories

Miki from Pennsylvania is 5′ 2″ tall and is 29 years old. Miki follows the Atkins program, and since July of 2002 she has dropped from 130 pounds and a size 8-10 to 119 pounds and a size 4-6. Her goal is to be 110 pounds and a size 4.

“I have never been really fat, but I am so short that every extra pound shows! I gave birth to our second child in February and I was determined
this time to get back to pre-baby weight. But I had never really stuck with any diet longer that one day before,” Miki told me.

“I tried Slim Fast once or twice, and I worked out, and I tried just eating less (that never works!!). Atkins is the only thing I have ever stuck with probably because I can actually eat!”

“As I mentioned before, Slim Fast was the only other ‘real’ diet I have ever tried. I tried it because I had just had my first child and wanted to get back to pre-baby weight then, also. The only side effect I experienced was constant hunger!!! I couldn’t follow it – first of all because I was always hungry, and secondly because I really have no willpower!Following Atkins has taught me willpower in a way I never thought possible!”

“I have been doing Atkins for about 3 ½ months but, I have known about it for a few years. My sister lost quite a bit of weight doing Atkins a few years ago, and I figured if she could do it then I certainly could!”

“The great part of doing Atkins is that I never have the hunger pains that I had before when I was addicted to carbs. I guess I could say the only bad part would be not being able to eat everything in sight… which is also really good, since all the junk I was eating wasn’t good for me anyway!”

“This has worked for me because I am actually sticking with it, I am rarely hungry, and I just feel better overall. I get compliments daily on my new self, and that positive reinforcement certainly helps, too!”

“This is definitely something I will stick with. I feel this is a life change, and my family doesn’t mind eating more like I do now, since everything tastes so good!”

“I get daily feedback, mostly from my coworkers, telling me how great I look and that they would love to do what I am doing. Most people are intimidated by Atkins, though, because they can’t have the breads and sugar anymore, but I tell everyone that you will not miss it! There are so many alternatives, and all those breads and sugars are not good for you anyway!”

I asked Miki, if she were speaking to a group of new low carbers and seasoned veterans about low carbing what tips/advice would she give them regarding:


As far as cheating goes, I think it is easy to cheat, but if you are committed to making this change you can resist. It will only benefit you in the long run.”



“I have hit a few stalls but I keep plugging along, and sure enough you can get going again.”


Most important points to remember?

“Exercise is very important. If you don’t exercise you will stall.”

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Karen Rysavy from Colorado is 38 years old and 5'11 inches tall. Karen started low carbing in 2000 doing a combination of Atkins and Protein Power but since that time has studied most of the popular low carb plans out there and implemented parts of each (the parts that worked for her) into her own personal Way of Eating. She began at 271 pounds and wearing size 24/26 and is now 210 and wearing 14/18. Karen revised her goal of a size 12 and 185 pounds to "happy and healthy". A very important goal for Karen, one which she has REACHED!