CarbSmart Low-Carb Valentine’s Day Gift Basket

CarbSmart Low-Carb Valentine's Day Gift Basket

Order Your Valentine’s Day Gift Basket Today!
Price Includes Shipping & Handling.
Ships to all 50 US States by USPS.
Guaranteed Delivery by February 14 if ordered by 02/02/18.

Valentine’s Day can be hard for the low-carbers in your life, but the CarbSmart Low-Carb Valentine’s Day Gift Basket makes their holiday a lot sweeter. Packed with low-carb snacks and sugar-free desserts, this gift basket is almost as sweet as your sweetheart, and it doesn’t contain any added sugar.

The CarbSmart Low-Carb Valentine’s Day Gift Basket includes more than a dozen luscious low-carb sweets from fine manufacturers like Ross Chocolates, Russell Stover, Jelly Belly, Golightly, Judy’s Candy Co. and more. Give one to your valentine and it will earn you some serious sugar-free brownie points.
CarbSmart Low Carb Valentine’s Day Gift Basket

Your Low-Carb Gift Basket Will Contain

Your basket contains an assortment of sugar-free chocolates, sugar-free candy, and low-carb treats including*:

  • 1 Judy’s Candy Co. Sugar-Free Long-Stem Chocolate Rose
  • 1 Russell Stover Sugar-Free Marshmallow Heart
  • 1 Jelly Belly Sugar-Free Bagged Candy
  • 2 Russell Stover Sugar-Free Bagged Chocolate Candies sweetened with Stevia
  • 2 Judy’s Sugar-Free Chocolate Heart Suckers
  • 1 Bag of La Nouba Sugar-Free Marshmallows
  • 2 Ross Chocolates Sugar-Free Chocolate Bars
  • 1 Judy’s Candy Co. 6 oz. package of Sugar-Free Caramels
  • 1 Go-Lightly Sugar-Free Bagged Candy
  • 1 Asher’s Sugar-Free Chocolate Bar
  • 1 Glee Gum Sugar-Free Gum
  • 1 Judy’s Candy Co. Sugar-Free Assorted Chocolates 7 oz. Gift Box OR Russell Stover 8 oz. Sugar-Free Gift Box
  • 1 Baja Bob’s Sugar-Free Margarita Mix packet

Your Gift Basket will be shipped with a packing list without pricing.

CarbSmart Low Carb Valentine's Day Gift Basket
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* Due to certain stock restrictions, we may need to substitute some of the items in the baskets for something of equal or greater value at no additional charge to you. We do our best to keep substitutions at a minimum, and we promise that we’ve taste tested everything ourselves to verify deliciousness. Your basket may look slightly different than the picture.

Low-Carb Chocolate & Candy Ingredient Warning

Most sugar-free chocolates and candies contain ingredients called “sugar alcohols.” Sugar alcohols give these items the look, feel and taste of regular candies and chocolates but EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY CAUSE A LAXATIVE EFFECT. That means sugar alcohols ferment in the gut and can cause stomach distress. Not what you want Valentine’s Day!


Be sure to warn the one you love that excessive consumption of sugar alcohol sweetened products like these can have a laxative effect. Alternatively, give this to someone you don’t love so much, and don’t tell them about the potential for an urgent trip to the bathroom. Whatever makes you happy.

If you order by Friday, February 2, we’ll guarantee that USPS will attempt delivery of your gift basket. You should provide a delivery address where someone is available to receive it like an office or apartment manager. If the USPS tracking information says it is delivered, then it was delivered!

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CarbSmart is a registered trademark owned by CarbSmart, Inc., Las Vegas, NV.

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