Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal” Recipe

Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal”

Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal” Recipe

Introducing Dana Carpender’s Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal” recipe, a perfect way to start your day if you’re following a low-carb or keto diet. Inspired by the versatility of nut-based and seed-infused cereals, this particular recipe offers a combination of delicious and nutritionally rich ingredients. It uses shredded coconut meat and almond meal as the primary elements, providing a satisfying crunch and a dose of healthy fats. Additionally, the incorporation of flax seed meal and chia seeds adds to the nutritional value, contributing both fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. This low-carb “cereal” aligns with the idea of creating a comforting and filling breakfast without the high carbohydrate content often found in traditional cereals. Get ready to indulge in a breakfast that’s both healthy and delicious!


Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal” Recipe

Low-Carb Toasted Almond and Coconut “Cereal” Recipe

Warm and comforting, the toasting of the almond and coconut in this “cereal” deepens the flavor. I loved Wheatena in my youth, and this reminds me of it — only with no gluten, of course.


Units Scale


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Mix the coconut and almond meal and spread them in a large roasting pan. Toast for 2 minutes, stir, then toast for another 2-3 – just until golden.
  3. Mix the toasted coconut and almond with the flax seed meal and chia seeds. Store in a snap-top container in the fridge.
  4. To serve, put ⅓ cup of the mixture in a small bowl, stir in a small pinch of salt, and add ¾ cup boiling water. Stir, then cover with a saucer and let it soak for 5 minutes.
  5. Serve with the sweetener of your choice, I like English Toffee stevia, but you could use vanilla stevia, brown-sugar-style Swerve, sugar-free imitation honey, or sugar-free pancake syrup. Add milk, cream, or coconut milk, as you like, and eat.


I developed this recipe for Paleo/Primal in 5 Ingredients or Less: More Than 200 Sugar-Free, Grain-Free, Gluten-Free Recipes, and so included no dairy. But if you’d like your cereal to have more protein, stir some vanilla whey protein into the mix after it has cooled – about ⅔ cup should be right.


  • Calories: 128
  • Fat: 11g (71.2% calories from fat)
  • Carbohydrates: 6g (Net Carbs 2g)
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 4g
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‎(Copyright Dana Carpender, Paleo/Primal in 5 Ingredients or Less: More Than 200 Sugar-Free, Grain-Free, Gluten-Free Recipes published by Fair Winds Press (November 1, 2015))

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