Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

Updated 12/13/15

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods
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Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

One of the first complaints of new low carb dieters is “I’m sick of eggs, what can I have for breakfast?” Once we’re past our Induction Phase, we start to look for low carb substitutes for all the foods we used to eat. Some you should try, some you should try occasionally and some you should not try.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

Low carb pancake mixes have been around for a long, long time. Atkins Nutritionals had one of the first low carb pancake mixes all the way back around 1999-2000 and probably two dozen have come and gone over the years. Even now a quick search on CarbSmart.com will find 4 or 5 different low carb pancake mixes still available. So when LC Foods asked me to review their Low Carb Pancake Mix, I wasn’t too excited, until I actually received the package and planned the photo shoot for it.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

Why is Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods Different?

Most low carb pancake mixes have basically the same ingredients and all you have to do is add oil, egg, and water. What that means is that in order to get the taste of regular pancakes, the manufacturer needs to add some form of artificial dairy powder and/or butter substitute to the mix. But that’s not what LC Foods does.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

LC Foods’ Low Carb Pancake Mix will take a little extra time to prepare because you need to add some fresh, low carb ingredients to it which other low carb mixes don’t have you do. Some people will not want to take the little extra time to make this pancake mix but if I’m going to get a better flavor, then what’s a few extra minutes?

So the ingredients required are:

  • 1 whole egg + 1 egg white beaten (medium – large)
  • 2 Tablespoons & 2 teaspoons softened unsalted butter
  • 2 teaspoons heavy cream (0 carb cream – no milk added)
  • 2 Tablespoons water
  • 1/8-1/4 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/2 cup & 2 Tablespoons of LC-Pancake Mix

And the directions on the label are:

In a medium bowl, beat eggs with an electric mixer, before adding the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly, and then beat on medium until smooth. Preheat your griddle to medium and spread with coconut oil or other oil. Spoon batter onto hot griddle and cook both sides evenly turning once.

That’s really not a lot of work and you’re adding fresh eggs, heavy cream and butter to the mix–all low carb-friendly ingredients. The mix is not a gluten free mix and is a combination of Wheat protein isolates, resistant wheat starches, flax seed meal, vital wheat gluten and Inulin (chicory root) fiber–all standard ingredients for a typical low carb pancake mix except the resistant wheat starches–this is LC Foods’ difference.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

The Science of Resistant Starches

There are three types of starches–rapidly digested starch (which breaks down quickly into simple sugars), slowly digested starch (like whole barley) and resistant starch (which reaches the large intestine without being broken down into sugars at all). Most of LC Foods’ products use resistant starches as part of their main ingredients.

From Wikipedia:

When isolated resistant starch is used to substitute for flour in foods, the glycemic response of that food is reduced. There is preliminary evidence that resistant starch, used as a substitute for refined carbohydrate, may increase insulin sensitivity and may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Ok that’s a lot of science, but what that really means is that resistant starches pass through the digestive system mostly untouched and not absorbed or processed until it reaches the large intestine where it is consumed or fermented by colonic bacteria.

For most people, resistant starches will not cause gas or a laxative effect but each person’s body is different and some people will not be affected but some will. When you use a product the includes resistant starch, you will need to understand how much your body can tolerate.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

So How Does It Taste?

Although I do not believe that relying on low carb mixes everyday is good for everyone, the LC Foods Low Carb Pancake Mix is a quality product. Really good ingredients that work well when you want a low carb pancake breakfast. I like it because you have to add quality low carb ingredients like eggs, heavy cream and butter to make them taste like the pancakes we used to make before we were low carbers.


So as long as you can tolerate a little bit of gluten on your low carb diet occasionally, go ahead and make a batch of LC Foods’ Low Carb Pancake Mix, add some Joseph’s Low Carb Pancake Syrup and butter, and enjoy breakfast again. I give the LC Foods Low Carb Pancake Mix 4.5 stars out of 5.

LC Foods also makes a Low-Carb Gluten-Free Pancake mix we will review soon.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

Low Carb Pancake Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size 1/4 cup (26.6g) (Two 4″ pancakes, prepared)
  • Servings per Container 10
  • Calories 60
  • Calories from Fat 0
  • Total Fat 0g
  • Saturated Fat 0g
  • Trans Fat 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 155mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 9g
  • Dietary Fiber 8g
  • Sugars 0g
  • Protein 6g

Ingredients: Wheat protein isolates, resistant wheat starches, flax seed meal, vital wheat gluten, inulin (chicory root) fiber, digestion resistant polydextrose fiber, baking powder, salt, organic stevia rebaudiana leaf natural herbal extracts, natural luo han guo monk fruit, natural enzymes.

*Net Carbs as listed by the manufacturer on the package = 1g per serving.

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods
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Low Carb Pancake Mix by LC Foods

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