
Low-Carb Keto Ketatoes Redux – Mashed Potato Substitute

CarbSmart Ketatoes Redux Mixed with Cauliflower

One of Keto Foods’ most popular products was Keto Ketato, a low-carb substitute for instant mashed potatoes. While I did not care for Keto Ketato made according to package instructions, I found small quantities of them wonderful for adding a believable potato texture and flavor to Low-Carb Fauxtatoes, aka pureed cauliflower.




  1. Simply measure everything into a mixing bowl and whisk together until everything is evenly combined.
  2. Store in a snap-top container.
  3. To use, add to pureed cauliflower, about 2-3 tablespoons per half head, depending on the size of your head of cauliflower.


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