Low-Carb & Keto Chicken Francaise Recipe

Updated Monday, October 25, 2021.

Low-Carb Keto Chicken Francaise Recipe
@joefoodie, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

From the article Beginning Or Restarting A Low Carb Diet.

Low-Carb & Keto Chicken Francaise Recipe

I serve this with steamed broccoli and Cauli-Rice. Believe me, this is a keeper.

This will make a very rich sauce; you won’t need much.


Low-Carb & Keto Chicken Francaise Recipe

I serve this Low-Carb & Keto Chicken Francaise Recipe with streamed broccoli and Cauli-Rice. Believe me, this is a keeper.



1 egg for every two servings
grated Parmesan cheese
lemon juice
boneless skinless chicken breasts, pounded thin
cream (optional)


  1. Melt the butter in a nonstick pan.
  2. Beat the egg(s) in a bowl and add the Parmesan cheese until it is the consistency of a thick batter – like cornmeal muffin mix. (Remember that stuff?)
  3. Add a splash of lemon juice to the batter.
  4. Thickly coat the chicken breasts with the batter and drop them into sizzling hot melted butter. Cook until barely lightly browned, flip over and cook the other side, adding more butter to the pan if needed. Cook until the juices run clear, which will depend on how thin you pounded the chicken. Put chicken breasts on a plate and keep warm.


Now if that isn’t rich enough for you, add a tablespoon or two of heavy cream or chicken broth or even a little more lemon juice (if you wish to add a smidge of carbs to it) and deglaze the pan.

This will make a very rich sauce; you won’t need much.

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