Living Low Carb: Revised Edition (Paperback)

Living Low Carb: Revised Edition by Jonny Bowden
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Living Low Carb: Revised Edition by Jonny BowdenLiving low carb just gets better and better! This thorough revision of Jonny Bowden’s comprehensive guide includes all the newest data that support the long-term health benefits of a contemporary low-carbohydrate eating plan.

Bowden explains how low-carb diets work, and helps readers choose and customize the program that’s best for their own long-term weight-loss and optimal well-being. With customary frankness, he reveals the secrets to sticking with a controlled-carb plan and sums up everything he’s learned about how to make the lifestyle work. Best of all, Bowden gives the lowdown on all the low-carb programs, including the All-New Atkins Advantages, the Low GI Diet, and the Ultimate New York Diet, with recommendations and caveats.

Bowden’s candor, lively style, and grasp of the subject make this consumer’s guide to low-carb diets the best on the planet.

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, is a certified nutrition specialist with a PhD in psychology. He is the author of numerous books and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Men’s Health. He writes a monthly column for Better Nutrition magazine and hosts a weekly radio show. Bowden also maintains a busy consulting practice.

Living Low Carb: Revised Edition by Jonny Bowden
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