Kitchen Table Bakers – Now Called Oven-Baked ParmCrisps

ParmCrisps - 100% Aged Parmesan Mini Crisps

Kitchen Table Bakers Parmesan Crisps

Now Called ParmCrisps

The baker’s mother used to say, “if you use only the highest-quality best tasting ingredients you always end up with something delicious and nutritious.” He took this philosophy and created The Gourmet Cheese Crackers in his home at his Kitchen Table during the summer of 2003. He began by making one small batch, so he could have something to eat that would satisfy that overwhelming need for crunch with taste. He soon let his friends in on his little secret and began making larger and larger batches. Soon he was going store to store, leaving samples with his phone number. Before long his phones began to ring. He believed that, just like his friends and family…If someone would try it, they would buy it, and they did, and still are!

The idea that he could create a Gourmet product that would satisfy even the most discerning palette and meet diverse nutritional requirements, including being Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Sugar-Free, Low Carb and is high in Calcium seemed far fetched when he started. He never wavered from his philosophy that The Kitchen Table Bakers would use only the highest quality aged cheeses and seasonings and that his all-natural product would contain…NO Preservatives, NO Artificial Colors, NO Cellulose, NO Egg Products, and NO Other Bulk Enhancers. These remarkable Gourmet Cheese Crackers are able to stand on their own, be used as a chip for dipping or as a base for a canap

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