Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet

Keto Clarity Now Available

Everything you wanted to know about Ketosis and the Ketogenic diet by the top experts in nutrition and science.

Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman have been on a mission to help us understand what the low carb lifestyle means to our health. It started with Dr. Atkins’ message of the low carb diet as taught in Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution and has continued to evolve to New Atkins for a New You and now comes in a complete guide now available called Keto Clarity.

Keto Clarity is the cumulation of Jimmy Moore and Dr. Westman’s many years of evangelizing the ketogenic lifestyle. The evolution of the low carb message has become eat a diet of:

  • low carbohydrates
  • high fat
  • moderate protein

Combining their research with expert guidance and support from over 20 additional low carb physicians and researchers, Jimmy and Dr. Westman give you step-by-step directions to get your life and health back on track with a ketogenic diet.

The book also includes a food shopping list to restock your pantry, over 25 low-carb, high-fat recipes, and a 21 day meal plan to get you started on your ketogenic lifestyle.

Highly recommended whether you’ve read other low carb diet books or not.

Keto Clarity
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Leading health blogger Jimmy Moore and researcher and internist Dr. Eric C. Westman join forces again to explain the powerful therapeutic effects of a ketogenic diet—one that combines a customized carbohydrate restriction, moderation of protein intake, and real food-based fats—which is emerging in the scientific literature as a means for improving a wide range of diseases, from Type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s and more. Simply eating a low-carb diet alone isn’t enough, and Moore and Westman tell you why.

Have you looked at a low-carb diet simply as a means to lose weight? What if you learned that combining a low-carb nutritional approach with a high fat intake produces a powerful therapeutic effect on a wide variety of health conditions that most people think requires medication to control? That’s what Keto Clarity is all about. Jimmy Moore, the world’s leading low-carb diet blogger and podcaster, has reunited with his Cholesterol Clarity coauthor Dr. Eric C. Westman, a practicing internist and low-carb diet researcher, to bring you the crystal-clear information you need to understand what a ketogenic diet is all about and why it may be the missing element in your pursuit of optimal health.

This book includes exclusive interviews from twenty of the world’s foremost authorities from various fields bringing their depth of expertise and experience using this nutritional approach. Moore and Westman clearly explain why ketosis is normal, how this nutritional approach is being used therapeutically by many medical professionals, a step-by-step guide to help you produce more ketones and track your progress, real life success stories of people using a ketogenic diet, and more.

The solid evidence for nutritional ketosis in dealing with many of the chronic health problems of our day is presented, including:

  • epilepsy
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • obesity
  • cardiovascular disease
  • metabolic syndrome
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • heartburn (GERD)
  • nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

The good evidence for ketogenic diets is also shared in dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease, dementia, mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, narcolepsy, and sleep disorders. Plus, you’ll get the details on the emerging science that is showing great promise in treating cancer, autism, migraines, chronic pain, brain injury, stroke, kidney disease and so much more.

Keto Clarity is your definitive guide to the benefits of a low-carb, high-fat diet. Full details on Jimmy Moore’s yearlong n=1 scientific experiment of nutritional ketosis, in which he used sophisticated blood testing technology to track and monitor his production of ketones and blood sugar to achieve rather remarkable effects on his weight and health, is also presented as well as food shopping lists, 25+ low-carb, high-fat recipes, and a 21-day meal plan to get you going on your ketogenic lifestyle change.

Keto Clarity gives you a whole new perspective on the work that the late, great Dr. Robert C. Atkins started in earnest with his promotion of the low-carb approach beginning in the 1960s. That revolution continues boldly in this book designed to shift your paradigm on diet and health forever!

Jimmy Moore catapulted onto the health scene in 2004 after a phenomenal 180-pound weight loss success enabled him to come off of prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. He is the energetic personality behind the über-popular Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb blog and host of one of the top-ranked iTunes health podcasts, The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show. He has interviewed well over 700 of the world’s top health experts and dedicated his life to helping people get the best information possible so they can make the right decisions about their health. He lives with his wife, Christine, in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where they can often be found playing Frisbee golf in their front yard. Learn more about Jimmy and his work at:

Eric C. Westman, MD, MHS is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke Health Enterprise and Director of the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic in Durham, North Carolina. He is an internist who combines clinical research and clinical care regarding lifestyle treatments for obesity, diabetes, and tobacco dependence. He is currently President-Elect of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and a Fellow of the Obesity Society and the Society of General Internal Medicine. He is coeditor of Obesity: Evaluation and Treatment Essentials and coauthor of The New Atkins for a New You. When he is not working in the clinic, he enjoys taking ballroom dancing classes. 

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